The content sales department manages NRK’s content by selling original NRK programming and NRK-formats to foreign professional publishers and broadcasters. We sell content produced by NRK, and we also assist external producers with sales in the Nordic region and on the general international market. We sell 1: Scripted and 2: Non-Scripted content and collaborate with select international distributors, and additionally deal directly with other publicists through pre-sales and co-productions.
Fantus Show won Japan Prize for Best Work, Pre-school Division 2024 and A New Kind Wilderness won Special Prize Awards
The Giants won Diversify TV-awards at Mipcom Cannes 2024
Dates In Real Life winner of Best Comedy Drama – Rose d’Or 2024, Best Series at Series Mania, 2024 and PRIX EUROPA Best European Video Fiction Series of the Year 2024, and The Creative Courage Award at Göteborg Film Festival 2025
A New Kind of Wilderness: Winner: PRIX EUROPA Best European Video Documentary of the Year 2024. Photo: Maria Gros Vatne
A day that will change their life forever, but they have no idea what is coming.
In this countdown teen-drama about identity and detachment, we follow Abdi, Emrah, Ibo and Aisha who have one foot in each culture. By portraying a realistic, yet exciting story, each season shows the challenges multicultural teens meet in Norway today.
Season four, entitled 19, tells the story about 19-year-old Aisha, who dreams about being a strong and independent woman, but lives in a world in which being one proves to be challenging.
Danish King Frederik has made a huge mistake. He allied himself with Napoleon. The Swedish king Karl Johan is now at the door with his army demanding Norway as a reward for Sweden’s efforts against the French. The British attacked Copenhagen, stole the entire Danish-Norwegian fleet, and now blocks all trade in and out of Norway.
Norway is hit by a deadly famine, and a Norwegian mother named Vigen is desperate as her daughter Anna is emaciated with hunger. She embarks on an impossible journey. In a small rowboat, she rows from Norway to Denmark to buy grain. After 6 days on the open sea, she is spotted by a British cruiser. Only a hundred yards from shore, the rowboat and the grain are lowered, and Vigen is taken prisoner.
This is the series about Christian Frederik’s secret plan to keep Norway under Denmark, Swedish Karl Johan’s conquest plans, and Vigen’s struggle to get from an English prison back to her family.
Original title: Vigen
Duration: 6 – 8 x 55 minutes
Genre: Historical Drama
Produced by: The Global Ensemble Drama
Created/written by: Odd Magnus Williamson
Directed by: TBA
Distributor: TBA
Executive producer NRK: Alec Thom
22 July
5: Highly Acclaimed
NRK / Artwork Sthlm Creators AB v/ Marcel Bandicksson
This award-winning series tells the story of people who, through their various professions, were affected in one way or another by the terrorist attack in Norway on the 22nd of July 2011. Featuring fictional characters, but based on meticulous research, the series depicts characters who all work in important institutions, and how they were impacted by what happened. The series gives us insight in who we are when tragedy strikes.
22 July is a gripping and heartfelt tale about how it is possible to remain humane when faced with the ultimate inhumanity.
★Winner of Prix Europa, Best European TV Fiction Series of the Year ★Nominated for the International Panorama Award at Series Mania 2020 ★Nominated for Best Limited Series at the Rocky Awards 2021 ★Winner of the Nordic TV Drama Screenplay Award at the Gothenburg Film Festival 2020
Tom (45) is a smart, but angry and frustrated man with misogynistic tendencies who discovers that the world opens up to him when he dresses in women’s clothes.
He transitions from a despicable caterpillar into an outrageous trans-butterfly, and eventually blossoms into a decent man over the course of the series. «A Better Man» is as entertaining as it is relevant in its storytelling and themes. The show addresses issues such as online harassment, gender roles, and cancel culture, but most of all it presents a surprising path from hatred and isolation to intimacy and reconciliation.
Synopsis: Tom’s day job is running his mother’s clothing store, but by night he has been trolling the internet for years. His favourite hate objects are feminists in general and the famous stand-up comedian Heidi Steensvaag (33) in particular. To Tom, Heidi is the manifestation of what he calls the “vaginal state of Norway.” One of Tom´s seething hate-comments causes Heidi to break down on stage one night. She shares his comment in public, prompting enraged hackers to expose Tom’s true identity. He is ridiculed, mocked, and threatened. In a desperate bid to go underground, he shaves his beard, and hides in what he has close at hand: clothing for middle-aged women. Scared, homeless and devoid of his online world, he experiences compassion and warmth from strangers. Heidi, on the other hand, becomes obsessed with Tom when the police suggest he may have committed suicide. She feels responsible, and almost like she’s the only person mourning his death. While Tom discovers the world as Brenda, his neighbour, Audun, is caught in a surreal dilemma that strikes Audun as unbearable, being a modern man and father of young children. Alongside Tom and Heidi, Audun contributes to exploring various aspects of gender roles, identity, and sexuality.
★ Selected for N12
Original title: Ølhunden Berit
Duration: 4 x 45min
Genre: Drama
Produced by: Maipo Film on behalf of NRK
Created /Written by: Thomas Seeberg Torjussen
Directed by: Thomas Seeberg Torjussen and Gjyljeta Berisha
We could have told you that this is the usual story about a woman getting cancer. But Ester Sand is no usual woman. Everybody expects her to live forever. Simply because they cannot imagine a life without her.
And yet, on her fortieth birthday, she receives news that turns her world upside down. She’s got cervical cancer, and it can go either way.
After the initial shock, Ester is the one who comforts her husband, her children, her father, her friends. She has no intention of leaving just yet. This is no time to die. It’s a time to live!
★ Winner of Prix Europa, Best European TV Fiction Series of the Year 2022 ★ Winner of High School Award for Best Series at Canneseries 2022 ★ Selected for N12 ★ Nominated for Best Miniseries, Best Director, Best Screenwriter and Best Actress in Seoul Drama Awards, 2023.
Its 1989. NRK reporter Tore Strømøy keeps hearing stories about a woman in her 50’s who repeatedly, around 30 times in the space of 2-3 years, runs away from her home and into the wilderness. The reporter wants to investigate why she is running away, but the project is put on hold.
In 1991 Agnes is found dead in a forest after having been missing for 10 months. In 2020, 30 years later, the reporter reopens the story. On his way to uncover who Agnes Waade really was and why she ran away, he meets with relatives, friends, fellow villagers, health workers, bureaucrats and others, who start painting a different picture of her. He discovers a shocking story of a person who suffered grave mistreatment, and where several locals, including public officials, knew what was going on but didn’t lift a finger to help Agnes.
Originaltittel: Gåten Agnes
Duration: 4 x 39 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Tore Strømøy and Bård Ivar Engelsås
Allround Champion is a feel-good reality series featuring 14-year-old athletes who each are among Norway’s best in their individual sport. Through the series they learn each other’s sports, and they all compete against each other in each one of them.
The series shows that doing your absolute best, overcoming your fears, and working as a team can help you accomplish more than you thought was possible. The key focus is to show how much we gain from cooper- ating with one another, while mastering and enjoying it.
How much can be accomplished when learning a new sport in only two days? Who will be the all-round champion in the end?
ORIGINAL SERIES: ★ Winner of Best Non-Scripted Entertainment at the International Kids Emmys 2016 ★ Winner of Best Non-Fiction at the Prix Jeunesse 2014
CANADA/US REMAKE: ★ Winner of Canadian Screen Awards Best Children’s or Youth Non-Fiction Program or Series, 2024 ★ Grand Prize Winner of Youth Media Alliance Award of Excellence 2023 ★ Winner of Youth Media Alliance Award of Excellence, Outstanding Youth Performer or Ensemble 2023 ★ Winner of Canadian Screen Awards Best Children’s or Youth Non-Fiction Program or Series 2023 ★ Winner of Canadian Screen Awards Best Children’s or Youth Non-Fiction Program or Series 2022
Original title: Best i mest
Duration: 8/10 x 40 minutes (2 seasons)
Genre: Reality competition for children
Produced by: NRK
Written/Directed by: Ingrid Skaare and Joakim Vedeler
Distributor: Beta Film
Status: Aired in 2013 and 2014. Remake 6 seasons in Canada/US and Belgium.
He is a world class nature photographer. Audun Rikardsen still has the urge to take pictures that no one has ever seen the likes of. And he wins awards all over the world. In this programme, we join him in his work with the photographs. We get to see his creative solutions which result in spectacular encounters with whales, sea eagles – and a bride and groom face a crazy challenge.
In order to make a good photograph, you have to be playful and pursue your interests. This will provide you with knowledge about the motif, and enable you to be at the right spot at the right time, Audun tells us.
In his boyhood he loved to go fishing in small rivers, build nesting boxes, and go hiking with his parents. He retained his interest in nature, and today he is a professor of biology at The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø. He is a grown man, but every time he gets a new idea for a photo, he is like a kid stealing apples. Full of energy, with sparkling eyes, and with an eternally optimistic faith in his project.
The motifs of his pictures are often found right outside his entrance door. In the programme, he swims with killer whales, and gets so close to them that he has to call out for help. He attaches a camera to the back of a whale, causing it to film its own journey through the waters. He also installs a camera inside a cod’s belly, with the intention of luring the sea eagle to fly with the cod in its claws – thereby filming itself in the air.
Audun sets goals for himself that are extremely technically ambitious, and which also involve wild animals. He is never sure he will succeed, but he has a strong will and great endurance.
The last few years he has specialized in photos taken right in the middle of the ocean’s surface, thereby showing what’s going on above as well as below the surface. – I was ten years old when I got my first diving mask. Since then, I have always been fascinated by the tiny millimetre dividing two entirely different worlds, Audun relates in the programme.
Several people have been fascinated by Audun’s so-called split photographs. Last year he won the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition with a photo series. The award was presented to him at the Natural History Museum in London. Among all the prizes Audun has won, this was the most distinguished one. – It’s like winning the nature photographers’ Oscar. And I have of course submitted photos for this year’s competition as well, Audun informs us.
To exist means to be seen and to be able to use oneself.
In the documentary An Ocean of Possibilities we emphasize that if we all show our strengths and weaknesses, we can make the impossible possible. 13 brave young people between the ages of 10 and 14, with visible or invisible disabilities, take over the three-masted sailing ship Christian Radich for five days. Can they depend on each other and work together well enough to achieve the goal?
They must pull ropes and set sails, navigate the right course and steer the ship, they must stand on lookouts and ensure that they do not run aground. Fear of heights must be tested, homesickness challenged, chafing wounds must be treated, but new friendships will also be forged and togetherness celebrated.
Meet the Bock’s – a divorced family of five who are entering a new life phase after dad Håkon has been unfaithful. At first, he is thrown out of the house but then he ends up sharing the basement apartment with his eldest son Aksel.
In the comedy series, the youngest children Saga and Tomine are the heroes. Through their eyes we experience life’s joys and sorrows – and especially the inadequacies of their parents. The Bock family does what it can to live up to the family motto: Best when it counts the most. Now, they must adapt to a life which seemingly is as bad as it gets, but proves to be more than good enough, nonetheless.
Original title: Verst når det gjelder
Duration: 8/8 x 22 minutes (2 seasons)
Genre: Sitcom
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Ingvild Nielsen (creator and writer), Mads Løken (writer) Sofia Lersol Lund (writer)
After a headlong flight from the Nazis, the Norwegian Crown Princess Märtha is forced to part from her husband and cross the Atlantic Ocean to seek refuge. Once settled, she finds herself in a close relationship with President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Inspired by true events, Atlantic Crossing is a story of awakening, transformation, liberation, and personal growth. A story of war and love.
★ Winner of best TV Movie/Mini-Series at the 2021 International Emmy Awards ★ Winner of Jury’s Special Price at Seoul International Drama Awards ★ First non-English series transmitted by PBS, US ★ Selected for N12
Original title: Atlantic Crossing
Duration: 8 x 60 minutes
Genre: Drama
Produced by: Cinenord on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Alexander Eik and Linda May Kallestein
On a small farm in the Norwegian forest, the Payne family seeks a wild and free existence. Maria and Nik, together with their four children, embrace self-sufficiency, home-schooling and want to live an independent family life in harmony with nature. To make ends meet, Maria occasionally works as a photographer. She also captures her family, sharing their life on her blog, wildandfree.
However, their idyllic world upends when tragedy strikes. Maria dies after a short period of illness, and it forces them to forge a new path into modern society. Nik is forced to sell the farm, and reluctantly, he and his children need to change their isolated and natural lifestyle and be a part of the modern society. They move from the farm; Nik needs to find a job and reluctantly he must enroll the children into the school system. The three youngest ones stay with Nik, while their half-sister Ronja, moves to live with her dad in the city.
Fifteen-year-old Ronja desperately tries to reconnect with her siblings, while ten-year-old Freja becomes the family’s rock, caring for her younger brothers and father.
Throughout the film Marias’s photos and stories keeps her memory alive and connects her to the family.
In A NEW KIND OF WILDERNESS, filmmaker Silje Evensmo Jacobsen captures an intimate and soulful portrait of love, life, and growing up. The Payne’s’ journey, their triumphs, and struggles, invite reflection on our own life choices, our responsibility to the planet and our children, and how we navigate life after loss.
★ Winner The World Cinema Grand Jury Prize at Sundance 2024. ★ Winner Grand jury prize SIFF 2024 documentary competition. ★ Winner Special mention Zagrebdox 2024 ★ Winner DOK.fest Munchen, SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit (SOS children villages) ★ Nominee Golden Alexander International competition, Thessaloniki film festival 2024 ★ Winner PRIX EUROPA Best European Video Documentary of the Year 2024
Screened at several well acclaimed festivals all over the world.
Sixteen-year-old Elias is one of the best players on one of Norway’s best youth football teams. Within five days he must prove that he has what it takes to be signed as a professional. How far is he willing to go to achieve this goal in a sport that is based on being a good team player?
In Beast we meet a group of young talented boys at a point in their life where anything can happen. They are still playing football for fun, but the dream of being discovered is suddenly within reach.
What is it like to combine professional sports with life as a teenager? What do you have to sacrifice to reach the top? And what happens when you do things you know are wrong, in order to get what you want?
Original title: Beist
Duration: 8 x 22 minutes
Genre: Teen drama
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Mads Stegger and Ernst De Geer
Binnabánnaš is a warm and funny program-series for our youngest ones. Binnabánnaš and his good friend Ujujju has lots of fun and excitement.
This season the two friends have built a radio studio in their new bed- room, which is a Ràkkas Sami-tent.
They go out on new adventures, clean and tidy their house, and sing and joik every day.
Binnabánnaš is the Sami children’s best friend and great hero. The series is made for two- to four-year-olds, and deals with topics about warmth and relationships, vitality and belonging, through stories and action rooted in the reality and culture of Sami children.
Bjørnis is a show about a friendly, cuddly bear, working as a real fire-fighter! The series is produced to capture the interest of young
children, ages 2-5 and aims to be exciting, funny, as well as educational. It was a huge success for NRK Super when it launched in September 2021.
The overall goal is to give children necessary understanding of potential- ly dangerous situations, providing them with the knowledge they need to avoid them, and even help solving them.
The show is produced in close cooperation with the Norwegian Fire Department. It appreciates children’s fascination for fire vehicles, techni- cal details, repetition, humour and music.
Original title: Bjørnis
Duration: 12/6/2/4 x 12 min (4 seasons)
Genre: Children
Produced by: Monster on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Alexandra Witzøe, Live Glesne Kjølstad
Blank is a real-time drama about life after high school and the struggles of entering adulthood. Over the course of three seasons, the show tells stories about 19-year-olds who must fight rejection and defeat in order to succeed in friendship, love and decision-making.
In season one, we meet Ella, 19 years old who moves to Oslo with her friend Susanne and her boyfriend Mats. Season two tells the story about pharmacy student Zehra and her challenges as a multicultural girl in Oslo.
Season three takes place on the Norwegian countryside, where we meet Markus, who moves back home after finding big-city life too challenging.
Original title: Blank
Duration: Clip-based web publishing, full episodes 9 x 18-43 min (3 seasons)
Genre: Teen drama
Produced by: NRK
Created /Written by: Knut Næsheim
Directed by: Knut Næsheim
Distributor: ITV Studios GE
Status: Aired in 2018 and 2019. Optioned for remake in US
Bo Bear is a live action series about three- to four-year-old kids and their best friend Bo Bear. The puppet is their favorite teddy bear who becomes alive – but only when they are alone together.
In each episode a kid faces a challenging or difficult situation, but with the help of Bo Bear it becomes a life-learning lesson.
Any struggle is replaced by a sense of achievement when Bo Bear turns the obstacle into something magical with imagination.
★ Winner of the Prix Jeunesse jury prize 2018, finalist in 2022 ★ Finalist at Japan Prize 2018, 2021 ★ Nominated at Chicago Int’l Children’s Film Festival (CICFF) 2018, 2021 ★ Selected for Taiwan Int’l Childrens Film Festival (TICFF) 2020
Original title: Brillebjørn
Duration: 26 x 5 minutes (2 seasons)
Genre: Live action drama
Produced by: Spark on behalf of NRK
Created /Written by: Live Glesne Kjølstad, Eda Syvertsen, Nils Stokke
Directed by: Live Glesne Kjølstad, Maiken Marstrander, Ole Jakob Andersen, Halvor Nitteberg
Bo Bear Show is a fast-paced studio gameshow where all contestants are three years old. In each episode, two teams of three kids compete in fun and games. They dive into a balloon-filled pool, they try to park toy cars correctly, they seek hidden objects, and they balance over slime pools.
Everything is led by Bo Bear himself. Bo Bear guides the contestants, keeps track of points, cheers, and announces the winners. At the end, everybody breaks out in the signature Bo Bear dance.
The show has pre-schoolers in the audience, giving the format tons of extra energy.
Original title: Brillebjørn-show
Duration: 10 x 12 minutes
Genre: Game show
Produced by: Spark on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Nils Stokke, Maiken Marstrander
Born On tells the life stories of three individuals all born on the same day, from birth to present. One of them is an accomplished, famous person, the other two are ordinary people with their own extraordinary stories to tell.
Their lives, however, have evolved in different directions. We present personal stories from their lives and link their fates to large and small events in our shared history.
Original title: Datoen
Duration: 8 x 60 minutes. (4 seasons)
Genre: Factual entertainment
Produced by: Monster on behalf of NRK
Created by: Annette Phair and Maiken Marstrander
Distributor: All3Media International
Status: Aired in 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2020. Remakes in USA, France, Romania and Germany.
Hosted by alpine skiing legend Kjetil André Aamodt, Born Winners is the battle of the sporting dynasties. Two generations of sports stars, all champions in their own field, come together to compete against other sports families in a series of tough, but fun challenges.
Each season features six such family constellations. During the competi- tion we get an exclusive peek into the private lives of both the parents and their athlete sons or daughters, along with their extended families.
The contests are held on some of Norway’s biggest sports arenas. While all team members excel in their own categories, which family will prove the most versatile?
★ Winner of Best Format at the EBU Creative Forum 2021
Originaltittel: Familiens ære
Duration: 8/8 x 60 minutes (2 seasons)
Genre: Contest-driven reality show
Produced by: Nordisk Film TV on behalf of NRK
Created by: Marit Aspen
Distributor: Banijay
Status: Aired in 2020 and 2021. Remake in Belgium and Netherlands.
In Caged, we follow Kelechi, who is released after eight years in prison. Housed in a municipal apartment, placed in a sheltered workshop, and monitored by the criminal justice system, Kelechi faces more resistance than expected. Sabotaged by the system and with a nemesis on the outside, he is now set for revenge and a desire to take the throne at the top of one of Oslo’s most criminal circles. On his way to the top, he risks losing everything and everyone – and maybe even himself.
Original title: Flus 2
Duration: 8 x 30 minutes
Genre: Crime
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Mikael Samuelsen, Patrick Ije Langseth, Yosef Woldemariam
Directed by: Mikael Samuelsen
Distributor: TBA
Status: In production. Aires 2025
Executive Producer NRK: Christina Rezk Resar, Ales Ree
Camilla, just nominated to Norway´s biggest influencer award, goes bankrupt. She loses everything and ends up forced into a job she finds uncomfortable – as a personal assistant for Kamilla, a girl with Down’s Syndrome. This is the start of a story about keeping up appearances and facades, friendships and chromosomes.
Cammo is an edgy, heartwarming comedy-drama about two wildly different women who turn out to be more similar than one would think: they always choose the path of least resistance, they both find prejudice tiresome, and they also share the same guilty pleasure – Swedish ‘90s euro-dance sensation “E-Type”.
★ Winner of Special Prize at Seoul International Drama Awards 2023 ★ Nominated for Best foreign short format at Festival de la Fiction
Original title: Cammo
Duration: 8 x 16 minutes
Genre: Comedy drama
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Caroline Glomnes
Directed by: Martin Sofiendal
Distributor: Primitives
Status: Aired in 2023 and 2024. Season 3 in production.
The Campsite is a drama series for youngsters about a group of friends who meet up every summer at a campsite in the picturesque south of Norway. We meet Andrine, the daughter of the campsite owner, and her friends. The youngsters come from all over the country and always look forward to see each other again. Some of the teens have hit puberty, others find love and new friendships are formed.
The campsite is a feel-good series where the audience can find a breath- ing space and see themselves in the various characters. Kids can enjoy short episodes that talk about love, friendships, summer and intrigues.
Originaltittel: Campingplassen
Duration: 51 x 4-12 minutes (3 seasons).
Genre: Drama
Produced by: Monster on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Mina Juni Stenebråten, Meena Rathor, Embla Veier Bugge, Ingrid Haukelidsæter
Casper and Emma are best friends who go to the same kindergarten. Together with their families and their stuffed animals, they experience big and small everyday adventures.
Based on the critically acclaimed children’s books series, Casper and Emma is a heartwarming show which focuses on how the world is seen from the 5-year old’s perspective. Casper and Emma experience everything from going to the optician to celebrating pride for the first time, accompanied by their talking and participating, stuffed animals – Lion Cub and Miss Rabbit.
Original title: Karsten og Petra
Duration: 20 x 8 minutes (3 seasons)
Genre: Live action drama
Produced by: Cinenord AS & Underdog Media Group on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Based on Tor Åge Bringsværd and Anne G. Holt’s children`s book series “Karsten and Petra”
Writers season 3: Arne Lindtner Næss, Tomas Solli, Ragnhild Tronvoll, Linda May Kallestein, Ulrikke Falch and Vegard Steiro Amundsen
Chasing The Phantom follows the jaw-dropping trajectory of a ruthless Norwegian conman who escaped prison, impersonated millionaires, and left a trail of mayhem in his wake as he rampaged through Scandinavia for three decades. Without stop, he was the Scandinavian millionaires’ biggest nightmare and there was no line he wouldn’t cross to con, trick or scam the affluent out of as much money as possible. With access to those at the heart of the twisted saga telling all for the first time, this NRK series plays out across 4 thrilling episodes.
Original title: Fantomet Philip
Duration: 4 x 60 minutes
Genre: True Crime documentary series
Produced by: Curry Film and Underdog Media Group on behalf of NRK
Created by: Ann Christin Siljan and Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen
Classmates is an animated series about how children and adults can respond when bullying happens, and how they together can create a great class environment. In three instructive episodes we get to see how students stop bullying at their school.
Lisa is miserable because other kids exclude her from their game. She’s not the only one who feels this way. Many children experience bad things at school and feel unsafe. If children are not feeling well, adults should help and not give up until the pain stops and everyone is fine.
Anton dreads going to school almost every morning because he is locked out of the game. «Nobody can help me», thinks Anton. But there is someone who can help.
Rati feels invisible in her class because no one listens when she tells her story; no one answers when she asks a question. Fortunately, there is someone who can help.
This TV-series is based on recent international studies on bullying and group dynamics. Conflict is a part of everyday life, as such, so is conflict resolution. Children are often confronted with problems large and small. “Classmates” provides help for these common scenarios.
★ Chicago International children’s film festival (USA) ★ Los Angeles International children’s film festival (USA) ★ Stuttgart international festival of animated film (Tyskland) ★ Ahmedabad international (India) ★ International Children’s rights Film Festival (Tyrkia)
Original title: Klassevenner
Duration: 3 x 13 minutes
Genre: Children drama & facts / Infotainment
Produced by: Bivrost Film as on behalf of NRK
Created by: Bivrost Film as
Written by: Marianne Müller & Stine Kühle-Hansen
Directed by: Trond Jacobsen & Marianne Müller
Distributor: TBA
Status: 1st season aired 2020. 2nd season in development.
During World War II resistance groups were active all over Norway. Some of these groups sacrificed everything and were lauded and celebrated after the war. Others sacrificed less and were forgotten.
This is the story of a group of guys in the latter category.
The series follows Thorvald, Kåre, Leif, Alf and Sverre in the forest outside Oslo from the autumn of 1941. The boys have good intentions but lack motivation and power to see their projects through. Something always seems to get in the way of their big, spectacular sabotage actions.
Company Thorvald is a comedy with a satirical edge towards seventy- five years of national heroic story telling.
Original title: Gutta på skauen
Duration: 10 x 25-30 minutes
Genre: Comedy drama
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Erlend Loe, Per Schreiner and Bjørn Olaf Johannessen
Meet company O.R.D. Three clever kids who solve word-related crimes.
In this creative universe there is a strange and clumsy word-villain who loves to mess with grammar and create trouble. The submarine captain can’t get up, the drag star gulps goldfish instead of singing and the show dog suddenly meows! Company O.R.D. is an innovative, fun and colorful program. The learning program deals with a group of words in each program, and through humor and music, the target group gains an increased knowledge of grammar, without even noticing.
Countrymen is a story about community and belonging, and about finding meaning in your life where you least expect it.
The series follows a group of young men from inner city Oslo, who moves to a farm in the picturesque countryside in Telemark. While pretending to be driven by a shared interest for agriculture, they are in fact a dysfunctional, Islamist terrorist cell, seeking peace and quiet to plan future terrorist attacks. One thing leads to another, and against their will the city boys from Oslo end up as founders of Norway’s first halal cheese making business.
★ Winner of Special Interpretation Prize and High School Award for Best Series at Canneseries 2021 ★ Winner of SERIES AWARDS in the category Best Nordic Series at Aarhus Series 2022 ★ Selected for N12
Original title: Jordbrukerne
Duration: 8 x 45 minutes
Genre: Comedy drama
Produced by: Rubicon TV on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Izer Aliu and Anne Bjørnstad
Directed by: Izer Aliu, Aurora Gossè and Brwa Vahabpor
What do you do when your husband is too weak and avoids any con- flicts? How do you deal with your hardcore feminist wife who sees male
chauvinism in every situation? And how do you make your boyfriend understand how complicated life as a blogger really is?
This is a scripted comedy where mismatched pairs pour their hearts out in couples therapy. We follow ten couples struggling with issues such as money, sex, and infidelity.
All primary characters are played by the same actor in a hilarious peek into relationship stories that we can all identify with.
★ Nominated for Best Comedy Award at Rose d’Or 2019
Original title: Parterapi
Duration: 2/10/11/11 x 10 minutes (4 seasons)
Genre: Comedy
Produced by: Seefood TV on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Kevin Vågenes and Martin Zimmer
Directed by: Lars Kristian Flemmen
Distributor: Seefood TV
Status: Aired 2017-2020. Remakes in Sweden, Denmark, Belgium and Turkey.
The Curse is an entertaining documentary-series about curses, damna- tions, unsolved mysteries and the search for truth.
Stian “Staysman” Thorbjørnsen and Ole Rune Hætta travel far and wide on a road-trip in Sápmi, where the indignious Sami people live, investi- gating the incredible stories they have been told. Trough meetings and conversations with people, they try to get to the bottom of the stories, and find out whether there could be more to the world than meets the eye. The series consists of five episodes, each dealing with a story about a specific curse or damnation.
During their travels, Stian and Ole Rune learn more about each other, as well as gaining new local knowledge in the five very different places they visit in their quest for answers.
Originaltittel: Forbannelsen – Uhkádus
Duration: 5 x 50 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Ole Rune Hætta / Ronald Pulk / Lemet Ailo Holmestrand Hætta
Cyber Warriors reveals how volunteers contribute to the war Russian-Ukrainian war with cyberwarfare and what risks it entails. Parallel to what is happening on the ground in Ukraine, there is also a cyberwar where disinformation and attacks on infrastructure and websites are the weapons. Some call it the first World Cyber War, and according to the international experts in the documentary, the amount of interference in the cyber domain from civilians has never happened in any war before.
Original title: Cyberkriger
Duration:2 eps x 32/38 (The documentary was published as two episodes, but has a storyline that easily can be combined into one documentary, with multilingual subtitles and an English voice).
Ida spends most of her social life in virtual reality. When her boyfriend Marvin, whom she’s never met in person, suddenly announces he’s dating another woman IRL, her world collapses. Ida sets out on a mission to find her own physical partner, while never losing the hope of getting back with Marvin.
Dates in Real Life is a modern love story set between the real world and the virtual world.
★ Winner of Best Comedy Drama, Rose d’Or 2024 ★ Winner of PRIX EUROPA Best European Video Fiction Series of the Year 2024 ★ Winner of Best Drama Series, Series Mania 2024 ★ Selected for N12 ★ Winner of The Creative Courage Award at Göteborg Film Festival 2025
What’s the first thing you do when you get sick? You look up your
symptoms on the internet! With the click of a few buttons, people can set a diagnosis within seconds.
What do doctors think of this? Find out each week as a team of doctors with just their own experience to guide them, go head-to-head with everyday people and their iPads.
Doctors vs Internet is a host-driven game show featuring real patients and most importantly, real diagnoses.
★ Winner of Best Studio-based Gameshow Format at C21 Format awards 2017 ★ Winner of 3rd Best Format at Eurovision Creative Forum 2016 and 2017
Original title: Hva feiler det deg?
Duration: 8 x 40 minutes (6 seasons)
Genre: Factual entertainment/Gameshow
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Kjersti Brokhaug
Distributor: Primitives
Status: Aired 2016-2021. Remakes in Denmark, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Russia and Switzerland.
Dome 16 is a live action science fiction series from ZombieLars creator Thomas Seeberg Torjussen. 120 years from now, Anton and Emma (both 14) live in different climate zones, within the same city.
They were never supposed to meet, and certainly not fall in love. But when they do, they must turn both of their world’s upside down to be together.
★ Winner of Rose d’Or 2023 – in the category Children and Youth
Dumbsday is a postapocalyptic comedy drama series. When a new pandemic reaches a tipping point, six strangers are forced to work together to save the world from a virus that makes people stupid. Will they survive? And can these people really be the future of humanity?
This comedy series shines a light on human idiocy and helplessness when we are faced with disasters in which our Western privileges are reduced to nothing.
★ Winner of Best Screenplay at Cannesseries 2024
Original title:Dummedag
Duration: 10 x 24 minutes
Genre: Comedy drama
Produced by:Seefood TV on behalf of NRK
Created/written by: Christopher Pahle, Erlend Westnes, Marit Støre Valeur
Easy Peasy is a miniseries about the little man’s struggle. We all meet challenges in the course of a lifetime, this series talks about the smallest of them all. The everyday struggles that everyone can experience, but which sometimes get blown out of proportion.
Through 6 episodes we meet 6 different men fighting against them- selves and their surroundings through everyday trials. The simplest thing can sometimes become the most complicated.
Exit is a dark drama series based on true stories from Norway’s financial district. The producers have accessed a secret, exclusive world where four friends from Oslo’s wealthy elite are looking for an exit from their everyday lives.
They use drugs, prostitutes, and their very own set of morals. In an attempt to escape obligations, expectations and their own families.
The first season made a huge buzz all over the Nordics while being aired. Season two delves into how the guys make their money, while their wives and ex-wives desperately seek revenge for their husbands’ wrong- doings. Season three explores the murky waters of cryptocurrency.
★ Winner of the International Panorama Award at the 2019 Series Mania Festival ★ Selected for N12
25 Norwegians were executed after WW2. Who were those 25 people and why them? And why did Norway choose to reinstate death penalty, execute people for 3 years, and then stop?
This documentary tells the stories of the post-war tribunals in Norway. It is driven by people whom through personal or professional connections are tied to the story of the death penalty.
They go back in time to find answers. Back to the crime scenes. They explore evil. Exclusion. Hatred. Coincidences.
The Executed is a series about choices we make as humans, choices we make as a nation. Fatal choices in times of crisis.
★Official selection HUMAN International Documentary Film Festival 2023
Philip and Henning, school friends and neighbors who are attracted to each other, meet in secret one night. From the safety of their meeting place, the boys witness a man escape from captivity in the boot of an arriving car and gun down his captors. The boys manage to evade the killer, taking the murder weapon with them. Fearing for their lives they form a pact and vow never to reveal what they have seen.
With the murderer on the loose, how long will they be able to hide what they have witnessed?
★ Winner of Best Performance by an Actress at the International Emmy Awards 2015
Original title: Øyevitne
Duration: 6 x 60 minutes
Genre: Drama
Produced by: NRK
Created, written and directed by: Jarl Emsell Larsen
Distributor: All3Media International
Status: Remakes made in USA, France, Romania, Germany and India.
Have you ever dreamt of living close to nature under simple conditions? “Far From the city, Close To A Dream” you meet people who do just that.
In season after season, this series has captivated Norwegian TV audience. 22 years after the first episode was shown on NRK, the program series still has a large audience, both linear and online.
In the series, you get to meet a wide range of people – young and old, singles, couples and family people – who face various dilemmas in life. What they have in common is that they have chosen to live in remote places, often close to nature and under simpler conditions, such as on a mountain shelf, a windswept island out in the sea or far out in the wilderness with the polar bear lurking around the house.
Although everyday life in these empty spaces can appear exotic and different, we as TV audience recognize ourselves in the people who live there. In each episode we get close to the main characters, and you can mirror your own life in the ups and downs they experience.
We are fascinated by the difficult life they have chosen, and we are impressed by how they overcome the challenges that everyday life presents, often in an original and inventive way. We are struck by how magnificent and wonderful the nature and scenery around them is, and we often feel drawn there ourselves.
The series is considered a national treasure, it says something about who Norwegians are, and who Norwegians were, as a people.
Original title: Der ingen skulle tru at nokon kunne bu
Duration: 9 seasons: 8 seasons 6 x 40min and 1 season 7 x 40min
Genre: Documentary
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Oddgeir Bruaset
Written by: From 2015:Arve Uglum, Noralv Pedersen
Directed by: Noralv Pedersen andTorje Bjellaas
Distributor: TBA
Status: 10th cleared season in production
Executive Producer NRK: Kristin Ytre-Arne
der ingen skulle tru,der ingen skulle tru at nokon kunne buFantus and the Animals
Fantus and the Animals is a sequel to “Fantus and the Machines” but this time the host and mascot Fantus introduces the viewers to different well-known animals: cat, pig, roedeer, rabbit, cow, dog, lamb, duck and goat.
Original title: Fantus og dyra
Duration: 9 x 6 minutes
Genre: Live action edutainment
Produced by: NRK
Created /Written by: Ingrid Marie Hafstad
Directed by: Frode Aksnes
Distributor: TBA
Status: Aired 2022
Executive producer NRK: Cathrine Irgens Nilsen
fantus,dyra,fantus og dyraFantus and the Big Machines
Awesome vehicles are captivating, especially to kids between 1 and 3 years old.
Fantus and the Big Machines combines experiencing cool machines with the narration of well-known mascot Fantus, who guides the audience through the experience. The stories are very simple, following a new vehicle in every episode. We do not focus on the driver, but the vehicle itself and the job it’s doing.
Some examples of cool vehicles we encounter: tractor, combined har- vester, logging machine, dump truck, garbage truck, crane and snow- blower.
Original title: Fantus og maskinene
Duration: 32 x 5-7 minutes
Genre: Live action edutainment
Produced by: NRK
Created /Written/Directed by: Espen Aarsvold, Knut Næsheim
Fantus Show is NRK Super’s new series for the youngest children between 1-2 years old. In the series, we meet actual kids playing with the animated character Fantus.
Together they explore a new universe on land and at sea and encounter different toys and objects that come to life through animation. The series’ goal is to activate the audience through movement and music. The music is composed especially for the show and visual effects adjusted to the young audience.
★ Winner of Japan Prize for Best Work, Pre-school Division 2024
How does a hammer work and what can you do with it?
«Fantus and the tools» is an inspiring program for our youngest viewers where we introduce various basic tools. The popular animated character Fantus leads us into the program by discovering a tool and having it explained to us by our narrator. We get to see different ways of using the tool within the framework of a constructed colourful environment and sounds from the tools. The aim of the series is to introduce and teach the children some of the basic tools.
«Fantus» is introduced to a new tool in each episode. The tools for this season are: hammer, screwdriver, pliers, drill, paint brush, plane, wrench and saw.
Original title: Fantus og verktøyene
Duration: 8 x 5-7 minutes
Genre: Children
Produced by: NRK Super
Created/Written by: Christoffer Alve
Directed by: Christoffer Alve
Distributor: TBA
Status: Aired 2024
Executive producer NRK: Cathrine Irgens Nilsen
fantus,fantus og verktøyene,verktøyeneFind a Friend
Loneliness is a growing problem all over the world, and especially among young people. In a 2017 study 7 out of 10 said they’d struggled with loneliness during the last year.
The solution: friendship. Close friendships have been proven to be a crucial factor for living a happy life. You have someone to celebrate with, when things go well. And when times are hard – you have someone to help you carry the burden.
But while it’s socially acceptable to be looking for love – searching for a friend; that’s just embarrassing. We wanted to do something about that! We put a positive twist on this difficult subject, and applied the match- making knowhow, and pragmatic, playful tools from dating shows – to make looking for a friend – fun!
What happens behind the closed doors of institutions? A drug rehab centre, a clinic for eating disorders, a centre for mental illness and many more.
Five Days Inside is an immersive format that uncovers hidden lives, unsung heroes and unforgettable stories. We follow our host into closed worlds to understand what it is like to live and work there.
In the spin-off Inside with the Outsiders, our host meets corona sceptics, conservative Muslim’s, polyamorous people and ascetic Christians.
She wants to get to know those who lead unusual lives and those who have opinions which many of us condemn. Why do they think and live as they do?
Original title: Helene sjekker inn / Helene sjekker ut
Duration: 22 x 45-60 minutes (5 seasons + spin-off episodes)
Genre: Factual entertainment
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Kjersti Brokhaug
Distributor: Primitives
Status: Aired 2016-2021. Remakes in Belgium, the Netherlands and Poland.
Flus is a gangster-comedy series starring young adults, targeting teens and adults. The action takes place in the city of Oslo in the late 90s.
Set in the underground world of Oslo during Norwegian gang crime golden age, we meet Bæbs and his two best friends who must deal with the consequences of living in a heavy criminal environment.
This is a story about lies, myths, legends and what you are willing or not willing to sacrifice for friendship, and a humorous depiction of a dangerous world and what life is like for those who live in it.
Original title: Flus
Duration: 8 x 30 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Produced by: Spark on behalf of NRK
Created/written by: Mikael Samuelsen and Yosef Wolde-Mariam
As a 28-year-old, our tenacious and hopelessly romantic heroine Evy crash-lands in her hometown Sandnes on the western coast of Norway. After ten years away, a master’s degree in literature, and a plan for a novel, she thought she had moved away for good.
However, after plunging a little too intensely into a relationship, she´s back in her parents’ house, her old friends, and the job at the café where she worked as a teenager. Now what?
For Evy and Always is a series about marriage, but also about forgiving oneself, loving one’s destiny and that life might not always turn out as one had hoped – but can be quite nice anyway.
Original title: Evy og alltid
Duration: 8 x 25 minutes
Genre: Dramedy
Produced by: Einar Film on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Miriam Larsen, Julie Skaufel (creators and writers) and Arild Østin Ommundsen (writer)
The Feast after the Fast is a groundbreaking live entertainment produc- tion which celebrates the Muslim holiday of eid al-fitr. Through celebrity guest interviews, live cooking, humor segments, spectacular musical performances by the hottest artists in Norway, Norwegian Muslims can enjoy their traditions and rituals represented on prime-time television, and non-Muslims get to learn a lot about their neighbors and co-work- ers. The show also features interaction with the public who submit Eid greetings as well as pictures and videos from celebrations throughout the country.
The annual show has garnered enormous media interest, and all the major newspapers ran commentaries describing the show as important for building bridges between people and for creating a better sense of representation for one of the country’s largest religious minorities.
Young people with an urge to fool their parents get help from a TV personality with a huge TV-crew and a purpose-built surveillance vehicle to set up the ultimate hidden camera prank.
In each episode the host and a child prepares to fool one of the parents in a mind boggling and emotional finale. The child is in the control when they practice fooling regular people. Everything is at stake as they only have one chance to fool the parent. They have actors, props, scenogra- phers, directors at their disposal, and the other parent who acts as a mole in a huge conspiracy to fool the unwitting parent.
Each show focuses on one amazing psychological or sociological mechanism that explains why most of us are easily fooled. Will the parent see through the elaborate scheme, or will they be fooled?
★ CIRCOM: Winner of Most Original and Innovative series, 2024
Original title: Lurt
Duration: 6/6 x 20’ (2 seasons)
Genre: Family hidden camera show
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Chris Veløy, Ole Petter Klepp, Per Olav Alvestad
Fanto and Pivi are best friends living together. One day their lives are turned upside down when they find an egg on their doorstep.
This series tells the charming and funny story of how they deal with suddenly having a baby in the house.
Practical issues like how to get a stubborn baby to brush its first tooth. Where does the unpleasant smell come from – the friends launch an investigation. But also, more emotional things like having to share a friend or family member.
It is exhausting, and at some point, Fanto wants to return Fantus at the library, like a rented book. But in the end, they realise their lives are richer and funnier with the baby around.
Original title: Fantorangens verden
Duration: 12 x 10 minutes (2 seasons + Christmas and Easter special)
A charming new football team wants to show the world that their size does not define them.
The Giants is a documentary series about Norway’s first national football team for little people. Through a year of training and their first participation in World Dwarf Games, we get a warm and honest look into the life of the players, the challenges they face and all they can achieve.
The series has an impact not only on the little people-community, but on those that for different reasons feel left out of activities most people are able to engage in. Growing up feeling different can be an isolating experience, and through the players honesty and openness, we get a vulnerable insight in their everyday life challenges, such as health problems, getting clothes that fit, dating, discrimination and the lack of representation. But also in everything they´ve achieved and how they face hurtful comments and prejudgment.
Viewers will be enlightened, educated and faced with own assumptions, as well as entertained by the charming new football team that wants to show the world that their size does not define them.
The Giants tackle prejudice and ignorance with humor, warmth and courage, showing that sports are for everyone and that anything is possible, not only on the field, but in everyday life. Although the series follow a group of little people, it is just as much about feeling different in general and about challenging stereotypes.
★ Winner of Mipcon Cannes Diversify TV awards, representation of Disability non-scripted
Glory Days is a captivating dramedy that explores family, friendship and identity during a pivotal decade. Set against the backdrop of Norway’s cultural awakening, the series presents a heartfelt narrative of a socialist family navigating the turbulent waters of 1980s capitalism.
Siri, an idealistic single mother, uproots her life from a hippie commune to the yuppie west side of Oslo, confronting the stark realities of the era’s materialistic surge. As she fights to safeguard her two children from the encroaching tides of consumerism and conservatism, she is also on a personal crusade at NRK. Her mission: to preserve the integrity of the state broadcaster, now threatened by the allure of «cheap American entertainment.»
«Glory Days» not only paints a vivid picture of a family’s struggle but also poses a universal question: in the face of relentless change, can the bonds of family withstand the test of time, or will the defining forces of the ’80s spell their undoing?»
Original title: Våre beste år
Duration: 10 x 29 minutes
Genre: Dramedy
Produced by: Feelgood on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Eivind Holmboe and Ole Martin Ihle
Based on: «When He-man came to Norway» by Ole Martin Ihle
A true-to-life and character-driven series seasoned with humor and tension.
In season one we’ll see what happens when two very different girls age 12 suddenly become stepsisters. One of them, Kim, wants to leave the new family, while the other one, Jenny, does absolutely everything to make Kim stay.
Jenny, her friend Naomi and stepsister Kim are starting junior high school in the second season. Jenny is afraid of being overlooked in her new class and decides to be with the most popular boy at the school. To impress him, she plans to get the best dress for the school dance and steals the credit card from her stepmother. Jenny has to repay the money before the stepmother notices and runs over her friends on the way to reach her goals. How far is Jenny willing to go?
Original title: GNIST
Duration: S01 11 x 11 min / S02 8 x 15 min
Genre: Drama (target group 10-12 year)
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Silje Steine, Beate Rendahl
Written by: Silje Steine, Kjersti Wøien Håland, Ingvild Nielsen
Directed by: Silje Steine, Sara Brym, Bendik Stalheim Møller
Distributor: Beta Film
Status: 1st season aired 2023, 2nd season aires 2024.
TV-host and comedian Nicolay Ramm invites the bravest celebrities in Norway to compete in the most spectacular and absurd sports the world has to offer.
The entertainment show aims to showcase some of the craziest sports (and athletes) you’ve never heard of, while at the same time follow the duel between Mr. Ramm and his guest who compete to the best of their ability in whatever strange sport they travel to.
Original title: Helt Ramme Sporter
Duration: 12 x appr. 50min
Genre: Factual entertainment
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Nicolay Ramm and Nils Fredrik Røren
Directed by: Nils Fredrik Røren
Distributor: All3 Media International
Status: 3 seasons aired, 4th season in development
Gym is a competitive comedy reality based on classic activities we remember from school.
Ten celebrities get together with the common goal of finding out who in the class deserves the best grade. The games range from dodgeball, obstacle courses, and tag.
Friendships and rivalries develop while unexpected tactics take place through cut-throat competition. We are eventually left with a sole contestant who receives the best grade in the class.
This show plays on memories and nostalgia that we can all relate to and makes an entertaining and perhaps more competitive game out of what we used to remember as innocent child’s play.
Original title: Gym
Duration: 8 x 15-20 minutes (3 seasons)
Genre: Competition reality with comedy twist
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Jonas Lien Svarstad
Directed by: Jonas Lien Svarstad and Caroline Woie
Haik – which means “hitchhike” – is a musical and entertaining docu- mentary series where tv presenter and radio host Christine takes Nor- way’s biggest pop stars on a road trip.
It is an entertaining and touching ride with a clear goal: A small format concert at a very special location, where the audience are the people who treasure our pop stars’ music the highest.
The artists know nothing about the concert. Not the location, not who is in the audience, and nothing about other surprises that will happen during the show.
The series is a journey down memory lane, with everything life has to offer: laughs, surprises, tears – and last, but not least: music.
After great success with the first two seasons, «Heart to Heart» is finally back with a long-awaited third season. This popular mockumentary follows the boundless character Linn Skåber, played by Linn Skåber herself.
In season 3, Linn Skåber has landed the dream role of Kristin Kirkemo in a Netflix series about the infamous Orderud murders. But there is only one problem: Linn is already tied to a full-time position as an ambassador for Mental Health, a position she is not allowed to leave. In a desperate attempt to get out of the contract, Linn resorts to one of her classic, disastrous antics. She chooses to lie about an assault, hoping that it will be treated as an internal alert. As always in Linn’s universe, she solves one problem by creating a new one.
This season sees the return of several well-known and beloved characters, including Evelyn (Kristin Tonjer), Linn’s faithful and slightly anxious manager, and Tonje Lid (Line Fougner Christensen), the producer of the Netflix series. In addition, viewers will experience a number of well-known names in roles as themselves, including Maria Bonnevie, Henrik Mestad, Henrik Holm, Petter Stordalen, Brynjar Meling, Arif and Vår Staude.
Original title: Hjerte til hjerte, sesong 3
Duration: 11 x 15-24 minutes
Genre: Humor drama
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Linn Skåber, Terje Solli, Ketil Indregard og Trond Hanssen
Written by: Linn Skåber, Terje Solli, Line Fougner Christensen og Marit Åslein
Directed by: Marit Åslein
Distributor: NRK
Status: 1st season aired 2007, 2nd season aired 2010, 3rd season aired 2024
Three best friends are going to rob a bank – but first they must assemble the perfect crew by selecting three of ten celebrity contestants. One celebrity will be eliminated in each episode through a series of fun, criminal, and thrilling challenges. Each episode has two competitions and one elimination challenge. In the last two episodes the crew of six will rob the bank. Will they succeed, or will the police catch them before they can run off with the loot?
The arena is “Hellerudsvingen”, a street in the suburbs of Oslo, where the Erlend, Hassan and Steinar go to school and hang out in Steinar’s basement. The surreal stories can take the characters everywhere.
In each episode, the boys find themselves in outrageous and often controversial situations, interacting with their schoolmates, their families, and different public profiles linked to the theme of the episode.
The show aims for fearless, satirical, and irreverent humour, parodies of pop culture and current political and social issues.
Original title: Hellerudsvingen
Duration: 5 x 20 minutes
Genre: Animated Satire
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Erlend Mørch, Steinar Klouman Hallert, Halvard Harboe
The year is 1985. HENKI HAUGE KARLSEN is a 28-year-old gay bartender who is fired after disclosing that he is infected with HIV. Angered and humiliated, he decides to take his case to court. But what he thought would be a fight for justice becomes three years of his life laid bare for Norwegians to scrutinize and moralize, defining him as a person and his most intimate private life as despicable and abnormal. Henki eventually wins in Supreme Court but dies shortly after the verdict. HENKI is the story of a boy who never asked to become a celebrity and who sacrificed himself in the fight for dignity. He bore AIDS on his shoulders for all those who came later and is an idol for many queer men and women who live openly and freely today.
Original title: HENKI
Duration: 6 x 45 minutes
Genre: Drama
Produced by: Klynge & Scanbox on behalf of NRK
Created by: Jan Trygve Røyneland
Written by: Jan Trygve Røyneland, Harald Rosenløw Eeg and Flemming Klem
Set in the summer of 2000, best friends Nader and Benjamin are enjoy- ing life in the multicultural neighbourhoods of Holmlia, Oslo. Time is spent flirting with girls, going to the beach, and playing soccer. But six months later, on the night of January 26th, 2001, their lives are shattered by tragedy.
The two are viciously attacked by a group of neo-Nazis outside Benja- min’s home. While Nader manages to flee, Benjamin, still in his pajamas, loses his footing and falls to the ground. At only fifteen years old, Benjamin is brutally murdered simply because of the colour of his skin. The series follows Nader, his friends, families before and after the devastating murder. Despite having lost Benjamin forever, this fractured community found a newfound unity, a strong bond they would know simply as Holmlia Love.
Home Ground follows Helena Mikkelsen’s journey to the top as Europe’s first female football manager – and her struggles as a single mum.
In season two, her team loses their sponsor. With an inexperienced squad, Helena faces a turbulent season where fighting for her club’s soul is as important as on-field success.
The series is about passion, identity and loyalty. It is about relocating to a small community and trying to gain the respect of others without losing yourself.
★ Official Selection Berlinale Series 2018 ★ Winner of Oslo Series Days 2018 ★ Selected for N12
Original title: Heimebane
Duration: 10/8 x 50 minutes (2 seasons)
Genre: Drama
Produced by: NRK Drama / Motlys
Created /Written by: Johan Fasting
Directed by: Arild Andresen, Cecilie Mosli, Stian Kristiansen, Yngvild Sve Flikke and Eirik Svensson
Distributor: DR Sales
Status: Aired 2018 and 2019. Remakes in Russia and Brasil.
Deep within the woods lies a hidden universe: Neonia. It is usually deep asleep, but when it awakes, it sets up a game in the dark forest. Trapped in this universe, a team of three friends in their tweens must solve tasks to open the exit and escape.
But the team is not alone. A celebrity well-known to the participants disguised as a hunter is after them, aiming to catch the friends and place them in a hologram prison.
Who is bold enough to test their fears and enter the secret world of Neonia?
★Nominated for the Best Non-Fiction Entertainment 11-15 years award at Prix Jeunesse International 2022
Original title: Jakten
Duration: 10 x 22-30 min (2 seasons)
Genre: Reality/Gameshow
Produced by: Strix Televisjon on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Sigrid Hågenrud, Kjersti Leirvik and Magnus Finnanger
Husky is a brutal and realistic family drama series from the north of Norway. Husky tells the story about 12 year old Elle and her friends Aslat and Jovnna, who gets caught up in a drama involving greedy criminals, cyber bullying and cruelty to animals.
Just as dog sleding tourism is picking up, life is turned upside down one cold and beautiful winter-night on a huskyfarm in Finnmark. When the dogs disappear, the basis of life is gone and the huskyfarm is threatened with closure. As the youngsters start hunting the perpetrators they get tangled into a chaos where no one can be trusted and nothing is what it seems.
In the dark forest a powerful and secret force is hiding. What they want with the dogs make us shudder. Husky is a tale of greed and animal cruelty.
Original title: Husky
Duration: 5 X 25 minutes
Genre: Action/Thriller
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Jan Tore Trysnes/Jeanette Pettrelli Koonings
When 19-year-old Marius is accused of sexual assault, the popular boy’s life is turned upside down. The only chance he has to get his life back is to prove his innocence, and together with the two friends he has left, he sets out on an ambitious search for the truth about what really hap- pened that fateful night.
The deeper they become entangled, the bigger and darker secrets come to the surface. But the big question for Marius is still who committed the act he himself was accused of committing? And how he can get rid of the reputation he now carries with him wherever he appears.
Original title: Hybris
Duration: 8 x 30 minutes
Genre: Crime comedy
Produced by: NRK
Created /Written by: Karianne Lund and Hege Gaarder Nordlie
A Mockumentary about The Norwegian National Football Team’s fight for the European Championship and the superstar who can realize the dream, Erling Braut Haaland. Parody by Jon Sindre Fjellvang.
Haaland – The National Break follows the footballer, superstar and prophet Erling Braut Haaland as he returns to Norway as the country’s European Championship hope. In the myriad of preparations for the big match, Erling becomes more and more aware of the expectations placed on him and begins to doubt his own abilities. A burnt-out Haaland needs a break from the national team and travels home to Jæren, Norway to find himself. The press, fans and a shaken nation hold their breath now that the «battle of destiny» is approaching. Will Haaland save them?
Original title: Haaland – Landslagspausen
Duration: 30 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Produced by: NRK, Ferdi Film
Created/written by: Jon Sindre Fjellvang, Kolbjørn Haugen, Albert Holskjaer
Directed by: Kolbjørn Haugen
Distributor: Ferdi Film AS
Status: In production
Executive producer NRK: Christina Rezk Resar
haaland – landslagspausen,landslagspausenI Am Earth
We are in Bergen and follow Odile as she enters a new phase in life: the 30s. Her friends seem to have proper jobs, relations, and kids on the way. Odile on the other hand still hangs out with her best friend Stian at his studio, making music she never releases.
In addition, her dad wants her to find a man, so maybe it’s about time she tells him she is lesbian. Life is complicated and exhausting, but also very entertaining.
Rap music is woven together with the story, and the music gives a distinct and direct communication with the audience.
★ Winner of the «SERIENCAMP Official Competition» Award ★ Selected for N12
Original title: Verden er min
Duration: 6 x 22 minutes
Genre: Drama («rapsical»)
Produced by: Monday Media on behalf of NRK
Created /Written by: Amy Black Ndiaye
Directed by: Øyvind Holtmon
Distributor: Wild Bunch
Status: Aired 2022
Executive producer NRK: Marianne Furevold-Boland
Verden er minINKY – The Childrens Environmental Hero
Inky is an animation series based on some of Norway’s most popular books for small kids – the life and adventure of the little squid “Inky” and his friends living on the seabed somewhere in the world.
Inky the Squid, always has clever ideas on how to meet the challenges he and his friends meet in the ocean, from dangerous treasures in shipwrecks, to ghost nets, oil-spills, over-fishing or poisonous waste. Inky fixes, sorts out and cleans up! We get to know Inky and his friends in stories filled with fun and excitement through; Shorty the nervously farting shrimp, Sally the cheerful Salmon, Grace the Swan, expert on the world above the sea, Mr. Crab the sea historian, the eccentric musician Miss Rocky, together with the two greedy deep-water fish Bit and Bite who are always making trouble. Inky´s best tip to all: “No-one can do everything, but everyone can do something!”
Original title:Blekkulf
Duration: 26 x 7min
Genre: Animation
Produced by: Nordisk Film TV and Filmkameratene on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Bente Roestad, Anne Elvedal and Geir Meum Olsen
A trigger-happy war enthusiast, a spoiled high school graduate, a competitive psychopath, and a wannabe gangster. Could these really protect Norway from invasion?
In the Army Now stars comedian Herman Flesvig playing several charac- ters, all faced with the weary demands of compulsory military service.
The short-format comedy show set a first-day rating record on NRK’s
on-demand service when it was published and won several categories at Norway’s Golden Screen Awards.
Original title: Førstegangstjensten
Duration: 12/8 x 12–14 minutes (2 seasons)
Genre: Comedy drama
Produced by: NRK
Created /Written by: Herman Flesvig, Erlend Westnes and Marit Støre Valeur
Directed by: Erlend Westnes
Distributor: TBA
Status: Aired 2020 and 2021
Executive producer NRK: Christina Rezk Resar
FørstegangstjenestenIt Smells Fishy in Here
2: Non-Scripted1: NEW
Photo: Frida Marie FlatlandPhoto: Frida Marie FlatlandPhoto: Frida Marie Flatland
The musician and energetic sports fisherman Bilal Saab wants to live a life where he can combine his two biggest passions: being a professional sports fisherman and a professional artist from his home village, the picturesque Soroya, that lies in Finnmark on the rugged North-Norwegian coast.
In this entertaining reality, Bilal invites some of Norway’s most famous musicians to join him on an epic fishing trip. To catch the big fish, but also to talk about life as a musician and, in the end, celebrate the fishing trip with a unique performance of a song.
The two recent friends Jens Kvernmo and Isak Dreyer dream of living like an Inuit and embark on an adventurous voyage into the wilderness of Greenland. They want to learn from the indigenous people, hunt with them and live like them. The dreams of the young men and the realities of Greenland today crash in the harsh wilderness.
Episode 1: Walrus hunting
How do you hunt an animal that weighs a ton with a harpoon and dog sled? Jens and Isak has a brisk first meeting with nature and Inuit culture in Greenland.
Episode 2: A dog life
Isak debuts dog sledding with wild dogs that love to fight, whereas Jens must deal with 12 dogs who’s never been sledding before. They both need to master the dogs, polar ice and polar bear alerts if they are to live like an Inuit in Greenland.
Episode 3: Isak disappears
Jens and Isak are mere amateurs on the polar ice with their dog sleds. On a long sledding trip in an area with drift ice and open seas, Isak disappears. Jens is forced to decide if he should follow his buddy and expose both himself and his dogs to danger.
Episode 4: Mother Greenland
Jens and Isak goes seal hunting with one of the best hunters in the village and they get some demanding challenges from Toku. They also get more familiar with an Inuit culture fighting for it’s existence.
Episode 5: Unicorn of the sea
Their Inuit adventure is nearing its end when the boys go to the edge of the ice to participate in whale hunting with harpoons. Both Jens and Isak gets to feel the powers of the deep ocean.
Jens wants to stay in Greenland, and Isak can’t decide what to do with his life. The adventure is coming to an end, or is it?
Jon Fosse was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Literature 2023 for his innovative drama and prose that gives voice to the unspeakable.
Jon Fosse has written around 70 works, both novels, stories, poems, essays, and playwrights. His publications have been translated into more than 50 languages world-wide and he is mentioned as the new Henrik Ibsen.
Jon Fosse writes about life and death, reality and fantasy, art and religiosity, past and present, tangible, everyday realism with spiritual clouds above. He is not at all afraid of telling the truth but has something he cannot say.
NRKs met the private and media-shy author Jon Fosse who hates attention, travels, and awards in 2019 when he already had been waiting for the Nobel Prize in Literature for some years. A private meeting with Fosse himself and reviews from someone who knows him well.
Original title: Jon Fosse – det som ikkje kan seiast
This warm comedy-drama is about 13-year-old Jonis and his friends, and the struggles they are going through growing up in Gulset, a godforsak- en place far beyond suburbia.
With his narrating, Jonis (26) takes us on a journey back to his teen years, to his school, his friends, his childhood neighborhood.
His one and only goal as a teenager was always: To become the coolest guy on his street, the leader in the classroom, the winner on the soccer field. In short: The King of Gulset. But when he looks back today, he realizes that he never really succeeded.
★ Winner of Best Fiction Series 11–15 at Prix Jeunesse 2020 ★ Finalist at Japan Prize 2019
Original title: Kongen av Gulset
Duration: 6/5 x 20 minutes (2 seasons)
Genre: Comedy drama
Produced by: Spark on behalf of NRK
Created /Written by: Jonis Josef, Mikael Samuelsen and Lovise Drotninghaug
Like Me is a compelling drama series that delves into the pressures young people face in their quest for popularity and acceptance. Through its relatable characters, the series speaks directly to its audience, reminding young viewers that they are not alone in their experiences. It captures the complexities of friendships, the pain of feeling out of place, and the overwhelming desire to fit in. The show offers viewers a raw and unfiltered reflection of reality, without falling into overused tropes or clichés.
When the characters navigate issues like social pressure, anxiety, love, and betrayal, viewers see reflections of their own lives on screen. The authenticity in language, behavior, and environments fosters a strong sense of belonging. This connection between characters and audience lends credibility to the show’s portrayal of youth and the challenges they face.
Over the course of seven seasons, Like Me has followed its core group of characters and target audience, addressing a range of issues that resonate with young people today. Themes like exclusion, bullying, racism, cultural identity, loneliness, sexual exploration, and the unspoken social hierarchy are explored in a nuanced, thoughtful way.
For the past five years, Like Me has evolved alongside its audience, its characters, and the actors who play them. What began as content aimed at children has naturally progressed into a series for teenagers, mirroring the real-life growth and development of its viewers. By following one cohort (born in 2006) from childhood through adolescence, the series has guided its audience into the often complicated world of young adulthood. In doing so, it has cemented its place as an essential part of Norway’s youth television landscape.
★ Winner of Prix Jeunesse for Best Fiction, Category 11-15 years old, 2024 ★ Winner og Japan Prize 2023 ★ Winner of International Kids Emmy 2020 in the category Kids: Digital ★ Winner of Japan Prize 2019 ★ Winner of Nordic kids 2019, Inclusion Award
Original title: Lik meg
Duration: 10/10/7/8/8 x 20-40 minutes (7 seasons)
Genre: Web drama/Drama
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Anne Wisløff
Directed by: Anne Wisløff, Tine Grønneberg
Distributor: Beta Film
Status: 7 seasons aired, 2019-2024. Remake in Germany.
The world-famous Scandinavian opera star, Lise Davidsen, returns to her home country to celebrate Christmas with The Norwegian Radio Orchestra at Folketeateret in Oslo.
After a very exciting year, performing at The Metropolitan Opera House and The Royal Opera Covent Garden, Lise now shares with us some of her favourite, traditional Christmas songs and dearest Christmas memories in this concert transmission.
The program features Lise Davidsen live on stage, performing a selection of the greatest Christmas carols of all time, including repertoire in Norwegian and Swedish. The concert also includes appearances of The Norwegian Soloists` Choir Academy and the Norwegian National Opera Children`s Chorus.
Get into the Holiday Spirit with Lise Davidsen in the beautiful city of Oslo!
Original title: Jul med Lise Davidsen
Duration: 52 minutes
Genre: Christmas concert
Produced by: NRK in co-operation with Temple Live Entertainment
Directed by: Anne Kjersti Goberg
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
Status: Aired 2023
Executive producer NRK: Helene Hillestad
jul med lise davidsen,julekonsert,christmas concertLost in Europe – Comediens on a Quest
Get ready for a chaotic and hilarious European adventure like no other.
Two comedians, one an experienced globetrotter and the other a complete travel newbie, embark on a totally unpredictable European adventure. Armed with nothing but a mix of confidence and cluelessness, they dive headfirst into Europe’s most unexpected and offbeat destinations.
In each episode, these mismatched explorers face bizarre challenges set by local legends and mythical creatures, forcing them to navigate unfamiliar customs, tackle awkward situations, and embrace the chaos. While the seasoned traveler tries to lead the way, the reluctant rookie hilariously struggles to keep up, discovering that sometimes it’s better not to know what lies ahead.
From attempting traditional Viking games on the Faroe Islands to navigating ancient myths in Lithuania, «LOST IN EUROPE – Comedians on a quest» is a comedy of culture clashes and unplanned escapades that capture Europe’s hidden gems in the most unexpected—and funny—ways possible.
Original title: Oppdrag Europa
Duration: 6 x 30 minutes
Genre: Humour/reality/travel
Produced by: “Nexiko” on behalf of NRK
Directed by: Jens Bull
Distributor: TBA
Status: Aired 2024. Second season commisioned. Aires 2025
Survival expert Lars Monsen takes on the ultimate challenge. He is dropped off into the wilderness blindfolded and with just a minimum of equipment.
His mission: to survive and find his way back to civilization. But he is not alone. His greatest challenge is revealed as he removes his blindfold. A celebrity. Way out of his comfort zone.
Lost in the Wilderness is a new twist on the adventure format that combines spectacular nature, the thrill and suspense of a reality format with the heartwarming friendship and personal conversations you only get when two persons have to overcome great obstacles together.
★ Nominated for Best Entertainment and Reality Show at the Norwegian Golden Screen Awards 2015 and 2021
Not since the 19th century has Norway performed executions. We thought we were past that sort of barbarism.
But everything changes in the aftermath of the Second World War. Norway introduces the death penalty in peacetime. Between 1945 and 1948, the state pulled the trigger on 25 of its own citizens. A dark chapter in Norway’s history. Who were the executed? What had they done? Why did some face firing squads while others were allowed to live – for similar crimes? And why did Norway stop executing three years after they had started? Was the death penalty a game of chance?
The program explores justice, radicalization, hate, and shame. «Lottery of death» is a documentary about making choices. Choices we make as a nation. Choices we make as individuals. Fatal choices, in times of crisis.
Original title: Dødens lotteri
Duration: 90 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Produced by: NRK Vestland
Directed by: Steinar Birkeland
Distributor: TBA
Status: Aires 2024, An 8×50´ version aired spring 2023
Executive Producer NRK: Kristin Helgeland Hauge
dødens. lotteriLuka and the Magical Tivoli Theatre
Moving Christmas tale Luka and the Magical Tivoli Theatre is about 11-year-old Luka who finds friendship and magic in an old theatre.
Luka, a poor boy with no money and no friends, lives in Kristiania at the turn of the 20th century. One day he enters an old theater, and for the first time he witnesses dancing ballerinas and heavenly music.
Little does he know that the theater group is at risk of being thrown out of the building – on Christmas Eve of all days. The theater must be saved at any cost. But how? What can children do when adults give up?
★ NRK’s second highest-rating Christmas calendar ever
Original title: Kristiania magiske tivolitheater
Duration: 24 x 20 minutes
Genre: Family drama/Christmas calendar
Produced by: Monster on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Atle Knudsen and Kjetil Indregard
What happens if you cross Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with a regular botanical lab? A magical place where everything is possible!
Deep inside the forest there’s a hidden lab, with an eccentric and overly zealous professor who works on the weirdest experiments. He finds the answers to the strangest things with help from curious kids, aged 4 to 6.
In the lab there is a fluorescent mushroom, overgrown pumpkins, secret drawers and even a special camera that reveals the magic in science.
We get to see growing snow crystals, roses shattered into a thousand pieces, fluorescent lights, drops hitting water, jelly babies turning into rockets and much more. Science is magic!
Original title: Den magiske laben
Duration: 20/20 x 5–7 minutes (2 seasons)
Genre: Edutainment for children
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Marita Abel-Grüner
Directed by: Frida Krüger, Erling Normann, Maria Abel-Grüner
This award-winning series centers around Peter Verås, an uncompromis- ing journalist in the most respected newspaper in Norway. In season one, Verås gets hold of evidence of a financial fraud that implicates his own brother. A search for the truth involves media as well as the financial and political elites.
In season two, freedom of speech is under attack as a well-known commentator and journalist in Norway’s biggest newspaper is brutally murdered. Verås investigates the case.
★ Winner of Best Drama Series at the International Emmy Awards 2017 ★ Winner of Best Mini-Series and Best Director at the Seoul International Drama Awards 2014
Mancave is a rugged TV-series about men pursuing their dream of a mancave, a personal private space in the boundaries of their own home to cultivate friendships and passions. The problem is that most of them are stuck in their daily habits, chores and cozy puff pillows.
Therefore, host Morten and carpenter Kai Simon has set out on a crusade to help men kickstart their dreams. Six episodes, six different men and six very different dreams coming to life through intense days of hard work, craftsmanship and laughter.
Mancave is about having the courage to make space and time for yourself as well as nurturing friendships. To awaken your inner dreams in your everyday life and to make something happen.
Martha Leivestad is a Youtuber with high personal spending habits and no sense of finances. This is a goofy Factual Entertainment series about personal finances where we’re playing with real money.
Martha has around NOK 1000.- on her account as we start. She’s hoping to make them into millions. How much will she have by the end of the series?
The idea of personal finances being a bit overwhelming and difficult, is a feeling many people can relate to. This is the series that will make you feel smarter and talk about money as a professional! Martha attacks with energy, her own money and a willingness to try various methods to become rich.
Original title: Martha blir rik
Duration: 6 x 25 minutes
Genre: Factual Enternainment
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Kristina Tallaksen Flaten, Ludvig Løkholm Lewin, Christopher Oulie and Jorunn Ingelin Solberg
The Mini Kids is NRK’s first TV-show aimed at toddlers. The series combines live action performances by actual one-year-olds, with animation and playful use of props and objects.
It is set in day care-like surroundings, with the intention of introducing this fellowship to children who are leaving the care of their parents for the first time. The children in the series play, make music and appear in typical everyday situations.
The host and mascot of the show is a small, animated creature called Fantus. Fantus is also one year old, he’s playful and welcoming to the viewer.
★Winner of Best Non-Fiction Up to 6 at Prix Jeunesse 2020
Supersecret planning, constant delays and billions at stake. Edvard Munch is Norway’s most famous painter and the artist behind iconic paintings such as The Scream.
After his death Munch left his art collection of over 1100 painting to the people of Oslo. After years of debate, it was finally time to move the collection from a small old-fashioned museum to a brand-new world- class museum.
We follow the conservator’s meticulous work with the preservation, via the curator’s creative planning of the exhibitions, to the director’s proactive role and ambition to elevate the museum both nationally and internationally.
A mini concert series, where artists within all music genres invites the audience to an intimate concert in a, for them, important place. The place music is performed becomes the stage.
The story around why the concert is taking place on the specific location, combined with three or four songs performed in a dramaturgic curve, small talk in between, and some important key information, gives the audience the opportunity to get to know artists just a little bit more, maybe a little personal – and maybe get to know new artists.
Hopefully the audience will listen to their music in another, more focused way. And maybe it will give more depth to music exploration in general. The variety in every program, comes naturally with new artists in new places: outside a cabin, at a school, on a beach, in the woods – all places with a tiny or big “because”. Not just a cool location.
If you had to fly to the moon and could bring only one person, who would you choose? Marlon and Hugo have been best friends since kindergarten. But then, a new kid shows up in class. Sander, who seems to be good at almost everything. While Marlon’s interest is awakened, Hugo responds with jealousy. The dynamic of their friendship is tested by this, and Marlon has to try and find a balance between the three of them.
Annika Momrak has a theory that she can love anyone as long as she digs deep enough – and she puts this to the test in “My Celebrity Date”.
Throughout the series, Annika is «the girlfriend of» six of Norway’s most provocative, impressive, and boundary-pushing people. She dates influencer Oskar Westerlin, Champions League winner Ingrid Syrstad Engen, Maaemo chef Esben Holmboe Bang, artist “Kamelen,” the business leader with a disabled body Torstein Lerhol, and comedian Odd-Magnus Williamson. What hides behind their famous exteriors? And can Annika find something to love?
Annika Momrak has a theory that she can love anyone if she digs deep enough. A portrait series like no other.
Original title: Dama til
Duration: 6 x 40 minutes
Genre: Factual entertainment
Produced by: NRK
Created by: NRK
Directed by: Jonas Lien Svarstad
Distributor: All3Media International
Status: Re-launched in 2024. “My Celebrity Girlfriend” aired in 2011 and 2015. “My Celebrity Boyfriend” aired in 2012 and 2013. Remake in Denmark and Sweden.
Ten thoroughly trained, young people are exposed to rock hard trials that are extremely demanding both physically and mentally.
They are offline, have no internet or mobile phone, and must survive in an environment that offers the bare minimum of comforts. They also have to face it all while being deprived of both food and sleep.
In the end, only one is left standing. He or she are well deserving of the title Nation’s Toughest. The road to victory has been paved with extremely tough challenges. However, what does it really mean to “be tough”?
Original title: Norges tøffeste
Duration: 6 x 39 min, 10 x 59 minutes (4 seasons)
Genre: Reality competition
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Vilde Egge and Bård Ivar Engelsås
Directed by: Vilde Egge and Robin Sletthagen
Distributor: Lineup.
Status: Aired 2013, 2016, 2021 and 2024. 6th season in production.
Never Do This to the Climate is an entertainment series with an impor- tant message. The series explains the connection between the little things we do in our everyday lives and how they affect the global climate.
Three young hosts conduct various extreme experiments in each episode, and we follow the process from preparations to the grand finale. The experiments are done in a humorous and serious tone and give room for reflections as well as some good laughs.
The series provides good advice on how to avoid disasters and how children themselves can help to slow down climate changes.
★Nominated to Emmy Kids: Factual & Entertainent Category, 2022. ★Winner of Circom award for most originale and innovative idea in 2022.
Original title: Ikke gjør dette mot klimaet!
Duration: 10 x 20 minutes
Genre: Factual edutainment
Produced by: NRK
Directed by: Jon Arne Hoff Johansen, Mari Walther Svenning
Distributor: TBA
Status: Aired 2021
Executive Producer NRK: Kristian Karlsen
Ikke gjør dette mot klimaet!Never Ever Do This at Home
Never Ever Do This at Home test everything we have been told not to do at home in the only logical location: a home.
By challenging the warnings on bottles and containers and breaking with all health and safety regulations we give the audience an entertain- ing and visually striking impression of what can happen if you fall for the temptation to try out crazy and stupid stunts.
At the same time, we explain the physics and the chemistry behind the experiments that take place so that people learn whilst being enter- tained.
★ Winner of Best Format at Eurovision Creative Forum 2011 ★ Commended at CIRCOM 2016 in the Magazine category
Original title: Ikke gjør dette hjemme
Duration: 4/6/7/8/6/6 x 29 minutes (6 seasons)
Genre: Non-Scripted format
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Tormod Ingul
Distributor: All3Media International
Status: Aired 2011–2017. Remakes in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Canada and Chile.
Which comedian remembers the most from this week’s news? Show host and quizmaster, comedian Christian Mikkelsen, guides four participants through the weekly Newsquiz. The contestants tackle a series of fun tasks that can only be solved if they’ve been paying close attention to the past week’s news. Fortunately, incorrect answers can be just as entertaining as the correct ones. Halfway through the show, the lowest-ranking comedians get a chance to double their scores, but only by risking all the points they’ve earned so far. Twelve comedians compete in the first season of this fresh take on the news-satire genre, created by Forfatterne Bak & NRK. Who will win the first season? Pay attention to the news, and you will find out.
After returning to his home in Oslo following traumatic war duty in Afghanistan, Erling Riser is given orders to kill an Afghan man. When he discovers that the Head of Intelligence did not send the orders, he must find out who is using him as a hitman – and why. This award-winning series places a dramatic conspiracy plot at the center of the world’s most famous humanitarian prize.
★ Winner of Best TV Film/Mini Series at Prix Europa 2016 ★ Winner of Best Drama Series at Rose d’Or 2017 ★ Winner of Nordisk Film & TV Fond Prize 2017 ★ Nominated for Best TV Drama at Prix Italy 2016
Original title: Nobel – fred for enhver pris
Duration: 7 x 45 minutes
Genre: Drama
Produced by: Monster on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Mette M. Bølstad and Stephen Uhlander
The Nordic Christmas Hour brings you true Christmas magic from several of the Nordic countries most treasured writers. The Nordic Christmas Hour invites you along on an adventure with beloved stories such as The record, The Swineherd, The Christmas Shoe, Little Frog, The best gift for Santa, Christmas comes to Moomin Vally, and Tomten and the Fox
★Nominated for Best childrens show The Golden screen award 2023
Set in 790AD, Norsemen features the daily challenges of people living in a small Viking village, from power struggle, brother rivalry, gender equality, to betrayal and friendship.
The problems are much like the ones we face today, but the rules are different and the consequences far more dramatic.
Original title: Vikingane
Duration: 6 x 30 minutes. (3 seasons)
Genre: Drama
Produced by: Viafilm on behalf of NRK
Created/Written/Directed by: Jon Iver Helgaker and Jonas Torgersen
Each episode deals with a beef that engages young people right now. Two TikTok celebrities tell their story in each episode, a story that is often both provoking and entertaining. The story is told through a unique combination of visual and entertaining techniques and humorous dramatizations, where the main characters play themselves. The first season is about quarrels between Norwegian celebrities, both from the present and legendary conflicts from the past. The themes discussed are homosexuality and religion, insults and blackface on TikTok, bad reviews and hurt egos in mainstream media, the graffiti movement from the 90s, work problems on YouTube and the #bodypositivity movement on Instagram.
Norwegian Beefs tells the stories of the hottest and most viral beefs on Norwegian TikTok.
Original title: Norske beefer
Duration: 6 x 25 minutes. (2 seasons).
Genre: Factual Entertainment
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Ludvig Løkholm Lewin, Christopher Oulie and Jorunn Ingelin Solberg
Directed by: Ludvig Løkholm Lewin and Christopher Oulie
With roots in four different cultures, three young adult friends are trying to strike a balance between expectations. They navigate through adulthood with all the awkward situations, insecurities, uncomfortable experiences, and victories, it entails.
In season two, Iranian Fariba tries to distance herself from her past, only to find that her search for identity might be closer to home than she thought.
Indian bar owner Amrit has difficulties coping with his view of what it means to be a provider, whilst dutiful Turkish doctor and daughter Helin gets her life turned upside down when she discovers her family’s imper- fections.
★ Nominated for the Iris Award at Prix Europa 2020
Original title: Norsk-ish
Duration: 8 x 30 minutes (2 seasons)
Genre: Drama
Produced by: NRK
Created /Written by: Melike Leblebicioğlu Kaveh and Bahareh Badavi
Directed by: Terje Rangnes
Distributor: ITV Studios
Status: S1 aired in 2020, S2 aired in 2023. Option for remake in US
Bø is a small village in Northern Norway. Over the last few decades, the population of Bø has decreased significantly, and it is now in desperate need of more citizens.
The mayor of Bø decides to reduce the wealth tax, becoming the only municipality in Norway to do so. His hope is that wealthy investors will move to Bø, creating new opportunities and jobs to attract more people to the village.
As a result, the village becomes a tax haven. What effect will this have on the cohesion of Bø? Will it divide the people, or is it perhaps the salvation they have been longing for?
Teen drama Nudes is an anthology about three Norwegian teenagers who struggles to handle the situation when they get nudes spread through social media.
Sofia, 16, and Axel have sex at a party. The next day a film showing the two of them is sent around their school.
Ida, 14, meets a guy on Tinder. Later, she’s contacted by Jan, who tells her that a nude of her is posted on a closed forum.
Viktor, 18, is accused og spreading child pornography because of a film he’s posted on Snapchat. He tries to get the charged dropped, but his actions have huge consequences.
Original title: Nudes
Duration: 10 x 18 minutes
Genre: Teen drama/Anthology
Produced by: Barbosa Film on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Nina Barbosa Blad, Liv Barbosa Blad, Erika Calmeyer and Jørgen Færøy Flasnes
Directed by: Erika Calm
Distributor: Wild Bunch
Status: Aired 2019. Remakes in Italy, France, Spain. Option for remake in Australia.
Executive producer NRK: Andreas Øyvåg
On Board With Louise
1: NEW3: Children
Photo: Thomas L. DubourcqPhoto: Thomas L. DubourcqPhoto: Thomas L. Dubourcq
Louise is seven years old and lives on board a ship. It is a home out of the ordinary, with a big hospital below deck and the school up top. Louise lives here with her mom, dad, her two big sisters Nicoline and Michelle as well as Cuddle Bunny. The ship is sailing to Senegal to provide surgery and health care to the local population, but this series sees life from the perspective of a ship-kid. On Board with Louise is a window into a different world, a different experience. Louise assists the captain during sailing, she befriends kids undergoing surgery, the family makes an excursion to play with lion cubs and much, much more. Through 10 episodes we get up close with Louise and her family.
Original title: Louise på skipet
Duration: 10 x 15 minutes
Genre: Children, Adventure
Produced by: Dubourcq Productions on behalf of NRK
An expedition team of six are snowkiting across Greenland. Among them HRH Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, embark on an amazing expedi- tion and a memorable skiing adventure to experience and understand climate research and the history of Norwegian exploration of the Arctic.
The series gives both insight and a great nature experience, combined with a lot of learning. The explorers meet with scientists who have extensive knowledge of the Greenland ice sheet and learn new things about Norwegian polar exploration.
“Crossing the Greenland ice sheet and seeing the ragged eastern coastal landscape was an incredible experience”, says expedition leader Harald Dag Jølle, ass. professor of polar history at The Arctic University of Norway.
Original title: På tykk is – med drager over Grønland
Duration: 3 x 43-45 min
Genre: Documentary
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Harald Dag Jølle / Cecilie Bugge
Directed by: Vegard Ulvang / Cecilie Bugge
Distributor: TBA
Status: Aired 2023
Executive producer NRK: Eirik Sandberg Ingstad
på tykk is,drager over grønlandO.R.I.O.N
1: Scripted
Photo: Pål Erik Helgerud/NRK. Key art: Bjørn Amundlien/Spark
This wacky sci-fi parody series follows Kristoffer, a policeman who has been reassigned to the most dangerous police department in our solar system: the border station O.R.I.O.N orbiting Pluto.
Ever since Kristoffer’s parents were killed, he’s been on a downward spiral, and his crusade against crime threatens to destroy both himself and everyone around him.
Along with his dysfunctional colleagues they investigate different aliens of varying threat levels who are trying to enter our solar system.
Original title: O.R.I.O.N (Organisert rettferdighet og interplanetær orden nemnda)
Duration: 7 x 12–15 minutes
Genre: Science fiction/Comedy
Produced by: Spark on behalf of NRK
Created /Written by: Henrik Farley and Terje Solli
Oro Jaska is Sámi and means “Shut up”. We follow a group of high school friends in Karasjok, a small town in the north of Norway and the heart of Sápmi, the community of the indigenous people of the north, the Sámi people. The Sámi community is small, bound together by shared tradi- tions and strong family ties. Eli Anne (17) gets her life turned upside down when she wakes up naked after a party and believes she has been raped. Issat (17) is about to fall in love with another boy. And you don’t talk about rape or homosexuality in Sápmi. Oro Jaska is a series about trying to break the silence.
Original title: Oro Jaska – Hold kjeft
Duration: 6 x 30 minutes
Genre: Drama
Produced by: Alfredfilm and Feelgood SFT for NRK
Created /Written by: Silje Burgin-Borch and Vegard Bjørsmo
Directed by: Petter Holmsen and Ánne Mággá Wigelius
In a time when the civil war in Bosnia rages at its’ worst, a 21-year-old Norwegian medical officer is tasked with leading the evacuation of a handful of children from a hospital in Gorazde. What first seems like yet another routine mission for a UN medical platoon quickly changes to a life-altering event for the young man and his squad. In a city bombed to pieces, they find a hospital that looks ready to collapse. And a basement filled with hundreds of patients.
Over a number of highly dramatic days, the medical platoon saves around 300 patients via air, all while being surrounded by forces that are attacking the city. This is the story of a remarkable real-life event and of a young man being forced to make decisions in situations way beyond what could reasonably be expected of him. It’s a story about friendship and courage but also about luck and bad decisions. And about the paradox of trying to impose peace without becoming a warrior.
Plastic was introduced to the industrial world after World War II and optimism was huge for this new, versatile material. It is everywhere today, used in a million different ways. Enormous amounts end up as waste, and much of it as microplastic in the ocean.
Waves, weather, and wind has brought tons of plastic to the shores on the west-coast of Norway. In Plastic Fjords, we are looking for answers to what could be our biggest environmental challenge.
What impact does litter of plastic have on nature? How dangerous is it when the synthetic material ends up inside our bodies? What happens to animals who eat it?
Original title: Plasthavet
Duration: 3 x 40 minutes, 1 x 59 minutes version
Genre: Documentary
Produced by: Pandora Film/Fotspor Film on behalf of NRK
Power Play is the incredible story of a young doctor and mother of four, who overpowered the hard-core politicians and ended up becoming the first female Norwegian Prime Minister in 1981. Gro Harlem Brundtland works as a young doctor in the early 70’s, fighting for self-determined abortion, when she, almost by accident, stumbles into politics.
The Labor Party, which has been in government in Norway since WW2, is desperately looking for someone who can take them out of the great crisis that threatens the party. Gro is soon thrown headlong into the power struggle that is about to tear the party to pieces. One by one her male colleagues are driven out of the party in a rodeo of scandals and power play, until Gro is the last woman standing.
★ Winner of Canneseries of Best Series and Best mucsic. ★ Selected for N12
Original title: Makta
Duration: 12 x 60 minutes
Genre: Drama
Produced by: Motlys and Novemberfilm on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Johan Fasting, Silje Storstein and Kristin Grue
Love, music, Sami identity and environmental activism go hand in hand in this inspiring tale of young singer Ella and her fight against the mining company that threatens her Sami heritage.
Sami singer Ella is torn between her strong ties to her hometown in Finnmark and her new life in Oslo with her boyfriend and a successful career with her band ISÁK. But when a mining company threatens Sami land and water, she decides to leave town to save her home. Ella’s weapon is her voice: Song, music and the fact that she dares to stand on the barricades and shout loudly. In the spring of 2020, her music career suffers a serious setback. Will she be able to stand up, gather her strength and win the battle against the mine? The film is both a portrait of an extraordinary voice and an inspiring story about how far music, love and solidarity can take you.
Selina (17) seeks to escape her life as a ‘nobody’ at school writing an online diary. Through the blog “Celina Isabelle” she creates the reality she longs for and reinvents herself in order to get more likes and followers. Her selling points are cosmetic surgery and scandals, but also bravery, strong will and brutal honesty.
The story spans from the bullying she experienced in early high school, to when she becomes the most powerful woman in Norwegian media. When she reaches more readers than the national newspapers, society considers her a dangerous role model for young girls.
The series follows her rise to power and search for real love, but also questions how society took part in creating her.
A well-known comedian is given only five days to put on a stand-up show with a specific scientific theme. The comedian gets one aid: a very knowledgeable researcher on the topic.
Comedian and researcher meet for the first time on Monday morning – the comedian does not know which topic he or she will have a stand-up about. The researcher has until Friday to guide the comedian and together they travel to a place that is relevant to the topic.
On Friday evening, the comedian will perform a stand-up on the desig- nated topic for a full house, with an audience, and with the researcher present.
★ Winner of best Entertainment and Drama, Prix Circom 2019 ★ EBU Creative Forum 2019: Best new formats: 3rd place.
Original title: Latterlig smart
Duration: 6 x 29 minutes
Genre: Humor and science
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Solveig Hareide
Directed by: Lars O. Skjønberg and Cathrine Gaukerud.
Rod Knock is a coming-of-age story about young people bound togeth- er by their love for styled cars. Set in a countryside village in Norway, the series follows a group of young gearheads as they deal with the trials and tribulations of early adulthood.
In season one, protagonist GT gets his heart broken and does not know how to fight the pain. In the second season, Sivert feels his life is going down the drain – and makes a choice he cannot undo. Season three explores the highs and lows of love between young adults.
The series received praise in media and amongst the public for its depiction of young men’s mental health issues.
★ Nominated for Best European TV Drama at the La Rochelle TV Fiction Festival 2021 ★ Won three awards at the Norwegian Golden Screen Awards 2021
What happens when your biggest secret reaches those around you? Will everyone turn on you, or will someone dare to take your side? Rumors is a youth series about friendship and bullying during the final year of middle school. When Erik is assaulted by his friends, he and his mother choose to move from Bergen to a small island outside the city. He gets to know the popular kids, and they take an interest in him. But his past makes it difficult to form relationships. The island’s influencer creates false hate profiles about Erik on social media, and he is back to where it all began, being bullied and becoming a victim of false rumors.
In the second season of «Rumors» the youth of Vesterøy start college. Some have always lived on the small island, others just moved here, but all of them see this as an opportunity to redefine themselves. It just isn’t easy to find out who you are or maybe even hope to be in this small and intricate social hierarchy situated on the rural and rugged Norwegian coast.
Take for instance the perfect hunk trying to win back his ol’ boys. He says that nothing has changed, allthough he has developed feelings for one of them and might even be a homosexual. Or the lying influencer who fled when her secrets were revealed. She tries to come back a new and better person, but no matter what she says everyone deems her actions as fake.
And then there’s the bad boy showing off his temper and aggression to hide the problems at home – and the newcomer from the capital who hopes to show the backward coastal society that things must change. That women should stir up old male arenas like the fishing industry.
They all do their best to create a new identity for the college years to come, but you can only define so much on your own – in the end it’s the rumors that decide who you really are.
Original title: Rykter
Duration: 30/30 x 10 minutes. (2 seasons)
Genre: Teen drama
Produced by: Mothership Entertainment on behalf of NRK
Created /Written by: Christoffer Ebbesen, Sigrid Kolbjørnsen
A small town in northern Norway is facing severe depopulation. A
re-opening of the town’s copper mine would mean hundreds of jobs and a return to the flourishing community it was the last time the mine was open. But it also means dumping toxic waste in the fjord, causing a threat to the large reindeer stock in the area.
For unemployed climate skeptic Daniel, the reopening gives him a job opportunity, while for Sámi environmentalist Elin – the heiress to the local reindeer husbandry – it might mean the destruction of her legacy.
Without knowing each other’s standpoint, Daniel and Elin develop the sort of passionate romance people write songs and books about.
Original title: Vi lover et helvete
Duration: 6 x 35 minutes
Genre: Drama
Produced by: Fenomen and Rein Film on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Kristin Vestreim, Karina Lystad and Rebecca Wirkola Kjellmann
The “smart-is-cool” show! The School Quiz is an annual nationwide knowledge competition for young people between the age of 15 and 16.
Qualifying rounds are done by NRK radio in over 600 of the country’s secondary schools. They get to test their general knowledge of the school’s curriculum, current affairs, and popular culture. In addition to a traditional quiz format, there are quick laps where the pupils` ability to reason under pressure is challenged as well.
From these preliminary programs, one team per region advances to the finale. The winner of the School Quiz is rewarded with a concert broad- cast from the teams` hometown.
Original title: Klassequizen
Duration: 7 x 65 min (10 seasons)
Genre: Quiz show
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: N/A
Directed by: Hege Westad
Distributor: TBA
Status: Aired from 2013 to 2023. 11th season in pre-production.
Eight-year-old Sigrid has lived alone with her father for several years. When her father’s new girlfriend moves in along with her children, Sigrid will finally have the siblings she has always dreamed of. But things don’t quite turn out as she expected.
Sibling Shock is a drama series about Sigrid’s many challenges when a new family settles in her home. She must cope with getting three bonus siblings and a bonus mother at once. It is a warm, emotional and close-up tale of finding one’s place in a brand-new family constellation.
“Side by Side” is a sitcom that follows an urban couple who attempt to realize the smalltown dream but instead crash-land in reality.
The series takes place in a neighborhood in an unspecified small town/community not far from Oslo.
The expectations are tied to the characters’ dreams: a new and wonderful house, lots of room, good friends dropping by, a lovely little baby, friendly neighbors, life without crime, peace and quiet – in short, the good life, the one many of us dream of having. The drama in the story arises when reality turns out not quite to match the dream.
The underlying theme of the series is about settling for what one has rather than always striving for something more. To live here and now – and not wait for a better opportunity. It is from this theme that the premise emerges: The dream is found in the reality, if you only open your eyes to it.
Side by Side, with its 10 seasons and 100 episodes, has been a huge success for NRK, and today it is the comedy series that has gathered the most viewers ever in the channel’s history.
Original title: Side om side
Duration: 100 x 30 minutes
Genre: Sitcom
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Terje Solli, Birgitte Bratseth, Maja Lunde, Marit Åslein and Sigmund Falch.
Written by: Multiple writers, external and internal.
Directed by: Marit Åslein, Per Harald Kårstad, Pål Nissen and Arnstein Dybvik
Eva, Chris, Sana, Vilde and Noora are first-year High School students. Skam is their story, a drama series dismantling taboos and speaking from the heart of its 16 to 20-year-old target audience.
We follow the girls through their heartbreaks, partying and all the challenges young people face as they begin high school and start the final stage before entering adulthood.
The series was published in real-time over four seasons, defining a whole new genre for a young audience worldwide.
★ Winner of Best International Drama at the C21 International Drama Awards 2016 ★ Winner of International Drama at the C21 International Drama Awards 2016
Original title: Skam
Duration: Web-based publishing compiled to episodes 11/12/10/10 x 20–50 minutes
Genre: Teen drama
Produced by: NRK P3
Created/Written by: Julie Andem
Directed by: Julie Andem
Distributor: Beta Film
Status: Aired 2015-2017. Remakes in France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Spain, The Netherlands, USA and Kroatia.
After she has lost her parents in an accident five years ago, Selma wishes for nothing more but a family she can belong to. The letter she writes to Santa Claus, turns into a paper bird which flies to Snowfall – a magical village full of wonderous people.
After a fight with her foster mom, Selma discovers the entrance to Snowfall and learns that she is actually the granddaughter of Santa Claus whose real name is Julius. But Selma has only one night to enjoy her new “home” before Julius disappears. Will they find Julius in time for Christmas Eve?
★ Winner of best Children and Youth Series at Norwegian Golden Screen Awards, 2017
Original title: Snøfall
Duration: 24 x 24 minutes
Genre: Drama/Christmas calendar
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Hanne, Hilde & Klaus Hagerup and Synne Teksum
Snowfall 2 is a Christmas-story about the power of hope.
Noah’s mom is sick with cancer, but Noah is still optimistic about life. His mom’s hair is growing back, and Christmas is coming up. Noah’s world falls apart when his mom gets a relapse and is admitted to hospital. In his despair he decides to find Santa Claus, thinking he can grant wishes and hopefully make his mother well. Santa’s world, Snowfall has been taken over by an evil force and Noah’s voyage becomes long and hard, but he also finds magic, friendship and joy.
Santa Claus cannot fulfill Nohas wish for his mother, but his adventure has prepared him better for dealing with his mother’s illness. And inside Noah hope shines bright.
Original title: Snøfall 2
Duration: 24 x 20 minutes
Genre: Drama/Christmas calendar
Produced by: NRK Super
Written/created by: Hanne Hagerup, Ingrid Marie Hafstad og Synne Teksum.
Experience the beauty and brutality of the Nordic winter, its impact on the lives of people and animals living there, and how winter has shaped the Nordic landscape. The forces of nature challenge the region’s inhabitants to find creative solutions.
Exploring Snowhow, the knowledge and experience accumulated over generations, this four-part series follows people making their way through the relentless Nordic winter.
So Long, Marianne is a drama series about the love story that inspired Canadian singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen’s iconic song.
As a young man Cohen meets Norwegian Marianne Ihlen at the beautiful Greek island Hydra in 1959. Marianne is there with her young son, abandoned by the boy’s father, author Axel Jensen. This is the beginning of a ten year long love affair and a friendship that lasts a lifetime. It’s a story of two equally lonely people falling in love in a period of their life when they are still trying to figure out who they are and what their place in the world is.
Alex Wolff (The Line, Hereditary, Jumanji) plays Leonard Cohen, with Thea Sofie Loch Næss (Delete me,The Last Kingdom, A storm of Christmas) playing Marianne. Joining them are Anna Torv (The Newsreader, The Last of Us, Mindhunter) as Charmian Clift and Noah Taylor (Preacher, Peaky Blinders, Game of Thrones) as George Johnston, and Jonas Strand Gravli (22 July, Wisting) as Axel Jensen.
★ Selected for N12
Original title: So Long, Marianne
Duration: 8 x 45 minutes
Genre: Drama
Produced by: Redpoint Productions (Norway), Tanweer Production (Greece) and Connect3 (Canada) on behalf of NRK
The New York Times describes Leif Ove Andsnes as «a pianist with magical power, elegance and insight». The Wall Street Journal believes he is «one of the most gifted musicians of his generation». The Norwegian pianist has won great recognition all over the world, playing with leading orchestras and conductors.
In this documentary we follow Leif Ove Andsnes through an eventful year. The viewers get close to the «sound» of him, both as a world-class pianist and as a person.
We join him in his hometown of Bergen during the annual Bergen International Festival, one of the largest classical music festivals in the Nordic region, as he plays piano duo with the Canadian virtuoso pianist, Marc-André Hamelin.
We also meet Leif Ove Andsnes at home with his wife and lovely children. He tells of a period earlier in life where he restlessly toured the world’s big stages and never imagined he would settle down in one place to establish a family. Both Andsnes and his partner talk openly about the challenges this has given them.
The family man, Leif Ove Andsnes, loves to go on fishing trips with his children, and we join him in the beautiful fjord landscape of Northern Norway. There have been many changes in the life of this Norwegian master pianist, and in this documentary he explains how they formed him as an artist.
Original title: Klangsen av Andsnes
Duration: 75min / 58min
Genre: Documentary / classical music
Produced by: NRK
Directed by: Brynjar Widerøe
Distributor: Accentus
Status: Transmitted 2023
Executive Producer NRK: Arild Jonsjord
klangen av andsnes,leif ove andsnesThe Sound of Tine Thing Helset
Tine Thing Helseth is one of the world’s leading trumpet soloists. She was born in Norway and started to play the trumpet at the age of 7. Helseth represented Norway at the Eurovision Young Musicians contest in Vienna in 2006 and this was the kick-start of her international career. In 2011 she was named a ‘Superstar of Tomorrow’ by BBC Music Magazine and the same year she was signed by EMI Classics. Tine has championed the trumpet repertoire amongst audiences on all six continents and worked with some of the world’s leading orchestras, meriting the highest critical praise for her special sound.
In 2022, Tine received a shocking message: she had serious cancer. She had to put her career on hold for several months, to focus on her treatment and getting well again. In this documentary the NRK-team follows her starting a new chapter of her life after the though years.
Playing the trumpet is to a great extent a physical challenge. Large lung capacity and power is necessary, and the big question was whether Tine would be able to return to the position she held as one of the world’s leading soloists on her instrument.
We meet an open and honest musician who has gained a new perspective on cancer as well as being a musician and a soloist. This is a personal story about courage, willpower and the way back.
Funky beats and young energy – street dance embraces differences and uniqueness. Spark is a documentary series that is fresh and close up, spreading the love and joy of dancing, all whilst the characters are trying to make it or break it in a competitive market.
The cast is multicultural and impressive, and we have unique access to the youth’s dance community. Their fascinating personal stories will touch audiences worldwide.
Stardust is a story about how to celebrate Christmas for the first time after a divorce. When Jo, his mum and siblings move to a new place, Jo fears the changes. At a time of his life when he is at his most vulnerable, he meets Elly. She is a star child from the North, a place which Jo knows from a fairytale.
Elly takes Jo on an adventure that is magical, amazing, and full of excitement. Through this, Jo understands that changes in life can be for the better.
The series is a Christmas calendar where magic meets realism, a modern tale of getting lost and finding your way home.
★ Winner of best live action series, Kids Screen Awards, Miami
Original title: Stjernestøv
Duration: 24 x 20 minutes
Genre: Drama/Christmas calendar
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written by: Ida Sagmo Tvedte and Karianne Lund
State of Happiness tells the story of four young people seeking a future in the newfound Norwegian oil nation. It is a story of Western prosperity, a changing nation, a Klondike town, and a whirlwind of opportunities.
The second season stretches from 1977 to 1980. Environmental policies and safety awareness are on the agenda when a well blows out and a hotel platform capsizes.
This is also the time when people working in the industry starts making money. Some more than they can handle.
★ Winner of Best Script and Best Music at Canneseries 2018 ★ Nominated for three Golden Nymph awards at the Monte-Carlo TV Festival 2019 ★ Selected for N12
Original title: Lykkeland
Duration: 8 x 45 minutes (3 seasons)
Genre: Drama
Produced by: Maipo Film on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Synnøve Hørsdal (creator and writer), Mette M. Bølstad (writer) and Siv Rajendram (concept)
Directed by: etter Næss, Pål Jackman and Mikkel Brænne Sandemose
Distributor: DR Sales
Status: Aired in 2018 and 2022, Season 3 aires in 2024.
Even superheroes must go to school! Superhero Academy is a drama comedy based on true observations from a child’s everyday life, placed in a fantastic universe.
A group of characters with different superpowers and weaknesses must go through triumphs and failures during their first year at this extraordi- nary school, with the goal of becoming certified superheroes.
This unique ensemble comedy, aimed at 6–9-year-olds, combines superhero visuals and action with character-based humor.
★ Won Prix Jeunesse Best Fiction, Category 7-10 years
Money issues are at the root of many family conflicts, from parents feeling their teenager’s spending habits are excessive, to teens wanting more money for what they consider to be life’s necessities.
The average 16-year-old splashes cash on snacks, clothes, games and socializing. Should the parents pay up or should they set limits and encourage accountability? Would you dare to let your teenager take over the family finances?
Under the guidance of a financial expert mentor, Teenage Boss lets the teenager assume responsibility for the whole family budget. The goal is to teach the teen – and their family – how to spend money in a sensible, balanced way.
Originaltittel: Teenage Boss
Duration: 6 x 58 minutes (3 seasons)
Genre: Factual entertainment
Produced by: NRK
Distributor: All3Media International
Status: Aired 2011, 2012 and 2017. Remakes in Australia, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Sweden, Ukraine, Poland and Mongolia. Option for US.
Troublemakers takes place in a fictional village in Northern Norway. A ragtag group of kids of different ages live a country life that is different from most city kids.
These kids grow up in a rugged but beautiful environment. They take tractors for a ride and on a bad day actually set the mountains on fire.
They have a lot of freedom and not so much supervision from their parents. We follow their quest to find their identity, belonging and place among their friends.
★ Nominated for Best Children’s Drama at the Prix Jeunesse Awards 2022
Truth or Dare is a realistic drama series about self-acceptance targeted at 12-year-olds. It attempts to teach pre-teens to master challenges that life throws at them – whether it is about identity, love, friendship, family or school.
In season one, we follow Sanne’s mental health issues and her fear of being rejected as the “weirdo”. The second season tells the story of Tara, who has to start middle school with none of her old friends in her class.
The series is published through daily web clips that are compiled into
20-minutes full episodes. The series aims to reduce the fear many young people have of not being good enough, and thereby hopes to strength- en the viewers’ self-esteem.
Twin takes place in the Lofoten Islands, a surfing mecca north of the Arctic Circle. It is home to Erik, a surfer bum who has not seen his identi- cal twin Adam – a successful businessman with a picture-perfect family – for 17 years. When Erik loses everything, he reaches out to Adam, only to be rejected. A quarrel breaks out between them and Ingrid, Adam’s wife, accidentally kills Adam. To cover the crime and to save his brother’s family, Erik takes over Adam’s identity.
Original title: Twin
Duration: 8 x 45 minutes
Genre: Drama/thriller
Produced by: Nordisk Film Production Norway on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Kristoffer Metcalfe, Anne Elvedal, Vegard Steiro Amundsen and Sofia Lersol Lund
Directed by: Kristoffer Metcalfe and Erika Calmeyer
Distributor: Trust Nordisk
Status: Aired 2019
Executive Producer NRK: Petter Wallace
Ultimate Christmas Star
2: Non-Scripted
Photo: Julia Marie Naglestad/NRKPhoto: Julia Marie Naglestad/NRKPhoto: Julia Marie Naglestad/NRK
From the 1st of December until Christmas Eve, 24 celebrities battle it out in a crazy Christmas countdown competition. The contestant that masters all 24 challenges, earns the title of The Ultimate Christmas Star.
The series main driver is the competitions, one for each episode. Every competition is related to the episodes theme, for example Christmas shopping, Christmas decorations or Christmas parties. To keep the cast guessing and expecting anything, they never know either the themes or the competitions in advance. Also, the tasks are always creative interpre- tations of the theme, but still somehow relevant. The sky is the limit, anything can happen, which keeps the cast and the viewers wanting more.
Original title: 24-stjernes julekalender
Duration: 24 x 10 – 20 minutes
Genre: Reality comedy competition
Produced by: Magga & Anders
Created by: Magga & Anders
Distributor: ITV Studios GE
Status: Aired 2022, 2023 and 2024. Remake in The Netherlands and Denmark.
For ten weeks, ten of the country’s biggest musical stars learn ten different music genres that put them firmly out of their comfort zone. Each week our celebrity competitors work together with the best music producers, dancers and choreographers to create magic on stage.
Viewers vote for their favourite artist, and each week one artist has to leave the competition. The last one standing is crowned the Ultimate Entertainer.
Original title: Stjernekamp
Duration: 10 x 1 hour 40 minutes. (11 seasons)
Genre: Entertainment reality competition
Produced by: Monster
Created by: Vibeke Sørlie
Distributor: Fremantle
Status: Aired 2012-2023. Season 12 airs in 2025. Remakes in Sweden, Finland, Poland, Italy, Latvia, Vietnam, Russia, Cambodia, Estonia, and Lithuania.
VGS («High school») is a series about how magical – and challenging life can be at 16.
The series gives us a glimpse into the lives of 20 students trying to figure out who they are. Each one of them is trying to find a place to belong whilst learning the price of being on the inside or outside of the «in crowd» – and we get to follow the journey.
VGS is a drama show produced in high volume, with storylines that stretches throughout the whole season and is sprinkled with standalone episodes that entertains and moves the spectator.
Original title: VGS
Duration: 40 x 10-15 minutes
Genre: Drama
Produced by: STV Production Norway on behalf of NRK
Created /Written by: Caroline Svartdahl and Benedikte Minos (creators), Mari Ørstavik, Jesper Breen Frilseth, Emilie Beck (writers)
Intrigue, sex, fratricide, witchcraft, and epic battles — dive into the astonishing true stories of Norway’s Viking kings. Discover how King Eric earned the nickname «Bloodaxe,» learn about King Harald Hardrada’s reputation for rule-breaking, and find out which king was famed for having the sexiest legs!
Viking Kings of Norway explores the legendary tales of Norway’s rulers, drawing from Old Norse sagas and ancient historical chronicles. This infotainment podcast is ideal for history enthusiasts and newcomers alike, and has been downloaded over 5 million times in Norway.
While “Viking Kings of Norway” incorporates plenty of humor, rest assured that all the information is historically accurate, having been fact-checked by a history professor.
This podcast is a real-life Game of Thrones — though with slightly fewer dragons.
Original title: Kongerekka
Duration: 30 x 30 minutes
Genre: History and humor
Produced by: NRK
Created/writter/directed by: Are Sende Osen and Ragnhild Sleire Øyen
History Consultant: Prof. Randi Bjørshol Wærdahl (NTNU)
In 2011, Per Vålnes disappeared from his home in an arctic village in Norway. The police initiated a massive manhunt. However, a week of thorough searches in snowy terrain yielded no clues.
It changed when the police picked up a claim that Per’s partner had asked friends for help to get rid of him. This led to one of the largest investigations in Norway where hundreds were interrogated. The police would even dig up the local hotel in search for Per’s remains.
The Vålnes Case takes us into deep fjords and alpine mountains to uncover the grave mistakes, the covert actions and the unanswered questions that make up the mystery of what happened to Per Vålnes.
Originaltittel: Vålnes-saken
Duration: 5 x 39 minutes
Genre: True crime
Produced by: NRK
Created by: Erlend Koppergård, Øystein Antonsen, Håvard Gulldahl
Tons of still useful electronics, clothes, and furniture are thrown out every day. Waste Shock brings celebrities along to reveal the hidden and completely shocking waste-culture of our time. They then go all in to try and change the system.
They save a scrapped el-car, stop people from shopping with hidden cameras, set up campaigns on Instagram, and turn politicians into carpenters and painters.
This is investigative journalism dressed to entertain; the first season had an exceptional 60 percent market share. It is an exciting, fun, and inspiring journey into the dark side of our consumerism – full of solutions for the future.
The Wedding Party is a dark comedy series about a dysfunctional family coming together to host a traditional Sámi wedding in Kautokeino. Will the four siblings recover after their personal issues and drama become public knowledge – or is this the end to their relationship?
In this funny and explosive family drama the creator Åse Kathrin Vuolab shows us the inside of the Sámi society and takes on both the prejudices and the challenges it faces. At the same time, she makes us realize that we all share the same need to be appreciated and understood – and we all need a family.
Originaltittel: Heajastallan
Duration: 8 x 30 minutes
Genre: Drama
Produced by: Mer Film and Tordenfilm on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Åse Kathrin Vuolab
Directed by: Pål Jackman and Åse Kathrin Vuolab
Distributor: Reinvent International Sales
Status: In pre-production. Airs in 2025.
Executive Producer NRK: Ales Ree
hejastallan,bryllupsfestenWhat Happened to Solveig?
“The girl on the cliff by the lake in the dark” is a true crime mockumentary series where one of Norway´s most successful comedians, Kevin Vågenes, plays most of the roles. The series follows the investigation into the sudden and mysterious death of Solveig.
When Solveig, a popular blogger, sets out on a hiking trip with her friends, she never expects that it will be her last. But when she is attacked while live blogging in front of her thousands of followers, the authorities quickly zero in on Ole Glenn, a suspect with a troubled past.
Just as the case seems solved, Ole Glenn is released due to lack of evidence, and the investigation grinds to a halt. That’s where our team of determined journalists comes in. As they delve into the seedy underbelly of Solveig’s small town, they discover that there are many in Solveig´s hometown who has a motive for murder.
Originaltittel: Hva skjedde med Solveig?
Duration: 8 x 24 minutes
Genre: True Crime mocumentary
Produced by: Seefood TV on behalf of NRK
Written by: Martin Zimmer, Lars Kristian Flemmen and Kevin Vågenes
A celebrity, reality, murder mystery, competition. Stripped across 8 episodes, family friendly holiday event series.
10 celebrities and one host have been invited to a remote resort in the snow bound Norwegian mountains. On arrival they all learn they’ve been summoned by an celebrity obsessed murderer. Trapped on the mountain they must play the murderer’s sick holiday themed games. Games in the form of Easter, Thanksgiving or any other holiday related competitions. The loser of each competition gets killed in an overly theatric way, often in a nod to a film or murder mystery we’re all familiar with. The host is forced to facilitate each competition. We also learn that the mysterious murderer is a well-known celebrity, and hints to reveal his/her identity will be dropped through the episodes, as the celebs must unmask them before they are all bumped off.
Competitions are originally based on traditional Norwegian Easter vacation activities, such as skiing, ice swimming, Easter egg hunt and much more. The competitions are funny and challenging but always based on holiday traditions.
Over 8 episodes 10 celebrities compete in 1 new fun filled competition in each episode. That episode’s loser will meet an unfortunate end. The next episode starts with the celebrity playing dead in their own extravagant crime scene as the host and remaining contestants are presented with the new murder to solve.
In the last episode the remaining three contestants compete to solve the murderer’s identity. This is a national play along murder mystery. The murderer is a household name, and the celebs and audience will speculate through the episodes and especially during the finale. Hints have been placed throughout the series. In crime scenes, in the hotel, during competitions etc. Last celebrity standing only gets to leave the mountain after unmasking the murderer. Easter, from Palm Sunday until Easter Sunday, the audience gets a delicious murder / mystery / whodunnit / competition driven reality packed with elements of humor and feelgood television.
Original title:Påskekrimlekene
Duration: 8 x 15-20 minutes
Genre: Competitive reality with a hint of murder mystery
Produced by:: Magga & Anders on behalf of NRK
Created/written by: Marcus Hukkelås og Magnus Liestøl
Directed by: Marcus Sand Hukkelås, Anders Bremnes
Distributor: Lineup
Status: Aired 2024
Executive Producer NRK: Gitte Calmeyer
påskeleker,easter or die,påskekrimlekeneYoung and Promising
In the heart of Oslo, the three girls Elise, Nenne and Alex are trying to break into their careers and into adulthood.
As they keep trying but often fail, they all long for a different reality where they become who they want to be – someone they would follow on Twitter but would never dare to add on Facebook.
Life in Oslo offers commitments, anxiety, self-sabotage, sex, love, and an undying ambition for something more than just a “normal” life.
Original title: Unge lovende
Duration: 6 x 29 minutes per season
Genre: Drama
Produced by: Monster 1: Scripted on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Siri Seljeseth (creator and writer), Birgitte Oustad Wegener, Mads Løken and Marie Hafting (writers)
The series Young Girls is all about surviving puberty. The series follows a close-knit group of friends in the city of Oslo – with very different approaches to life – on their journey from children to teenagers, from 10 to 12 years old.
Day by day, the stoy evolves around the girls’ everyday life as they fall in and out of love.
The show is created by Julie Andem of Skam, and she also directed the first seasons of the show.
★ Winner of International Kids Emmy 2018 in category Kids: Digital ★ Winner of the Digital Awards at the Japan Prize 2019
Original title: Jenter
Duration: Clip-based drama published as a blog. Each season is approx. 14 weeks long. (10 seasons)
Genre: Drama
Produced by: NRK
Created/Written/Directed by: Anne Wisløff, Julie Andem, Stine Buer, Tine Grønneberg and Stian Presthus
Distributor: Beta Film
Status: Aired 2013 to 2017. Remake in Belgium.
Executive Producer NRK: Gisle Halvorsen
3: Children5: Highly Acclaimed
Photo: Anna Mykling/Tordenfilm Photo: Anna Mykling/TordenfilPhoto: Tordenfilm
Lars is eleven years old and a half-zombie, or “living unliving” as the politically correct term goes.
In his new hometown, Lars’ kind are rare and frowned upon. However, he soon discovers others who are different too: a ninja, a witch, a troll and a changeling, to mention some.
Together, they explore their true nature in a conformist and deeply prejudiced society.
★ Winner of Best Non-Animated or Mixed Series at Kidscreen Awards 2019 ★ Winner of Best Storytelling Award at Nordic Kids Media Festival 2019 ★ Winner of Children and Youth category at Rose D’Or 2019 ★ Winner of 11-15 Fiction Award at Prix de Jeunesse 2018 ★ Winner of 11-15 Fiction Award of the Intl. Youth Jury at Prix de Jeunesse 2018 ★ Winner of Children/Youth category at Venice TV Awards 2018
Original title: ZombieLars
Duration: 13 x 15 minutes. (3 seasons)
Genre: Fantasy drama
Produced by: Tordenfilm on behalf of NRK
Created/Written by: Thomas Seeberg Torjussen and Gisle Halvorsen