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Crediting rules for NRK (English)

NRK must be identifiable as the owner/endorser of all content, regardless of which platform it is published. Content produced by and for NRK, or content in which NRK has invested, must comply with NRK’s crediting rules.

NRK’s logo for opening credits→

  • NRK’s animated logo
  • NRK’s logo must be an integrated part of the opening of the program/episode. It must always be placed on a moving image; at the start of an episode or as part of the opening credits.
  • NRK’s logo must stand alone, with no other text or graphic.
  • The logo of external producers is not to be shown in the opening of the production.
  • Introducing the sentence NNN Filmproduction presents is not allowed. This is non-negotiable when the production is published in Norway.
  • Producer, co-producer and investors are presented in the end credits.
  • The logo of external producers is not to be shown in the opening of the production. An animated logo/ident may be shown in the end credits, before NRK’s closing animation. See Crediting.
  • The NRK logo is always consistently placed in the lower center of the screen.
  • The logo has a built-in animation. No other motion may be applied to the logo.
  • The logo is to be shown for the duration of 5 seconds including the intro animation.
  • As a general rule the logo is 100% solid white. No shading or any other visual effect may be applied to the logo.

Download NRK’s logo for closing credits:
2024 / 2025 / 2026 / 2027 / 2028

  • NRK’s logo must be present at the end of all internal and exclusively commissioned productions.
  • The logo appears at end of the closing credits.
  • The logo is always consistently placed in the middle of the screen.
  • The logo has a built-in animation. No other motion may be applied to the logo.
  • The logo is to be shown for the duration of 5 seconds.
  • As a general rule the logo is 100% solid white. No shading or any other visual effect may be applied to the logo.

2: Kreditering

Bilde av fortekster

Crediting is naming originators and providing viewers with information on who is responsible for the content. Content produced by and for NRK, or content in which NRK has invested, must comply with NRK’s crediting rules.

All crediting must be approved in writing by NRK.

Who to credit

  • NRKs logo
  • Originators and artistic performers
  • Executive producers
  • Sponsors
  • Production company
  • Co-producers
  • Editorial responsibility
  • Crediting of formats

Opening credits

  • On bigger productions, primarily drama, the crediting may be split between the opening and closing credits.
  • Only names of persons may be listed in the opening credits.
  • The logo of external producers is not to be shown in the opening credit. An animated logo/ident may be shown in the end credits, before NRK’s closing animation.

Closing credits

  • The maximum length of closing credits is 15 seconds for all programs, with the exception of large drama productions and major events – which have a limit of 30 seconds for closing credits.
  • Any closing credits exceeding 15 seconds may only occur in agreement with the projects’ editor in NRK.
  • The lengths apply to both internal and external productions.
  • In addition there is the producer’s logo and NRK’s closing animation.
  • The programme’s or series’ responsible editor at NRK must be credited in the closing credits.
  • These must be the final names in the closing credits. The production company is credited second to last in the closing credits. The production company’s logo may not be displayed for longer than NRK’s logo, and the maximum length is 4 seconds. NRK’s closing animation must be present for 3-4 seconds.

3: NRK Series

All crediting must be approved in writing by NRK.

NRK wants to strengthen its position as a provider of high quality series in the Nordic market. The sentence En NRK-serie is used in the communication and marketing of series produced by NRK, exclusively commissioned by NRK, and for series in which NRK has invested.

In the opening credits the sentence En NRK-serie is positioned along with the title and may be adapted to the typography and style of the production in general. En NRK-serie must be displayed for at least 3 seconds and be of a size that is easily visible.

Any other crediting may not be positioned with the main title. Crediting of originators may be positioned either before, or after the main title.

Dette bildet mangler alt-tekst; dets filnavn er En-NRK-serie-ikke-lov-1-1024x576.png

4: NRK-branding in external markets

All marketing material shall be approved in writing by NRK.

Clean versions (without Norwegian crediting and titles) for external clients/distributors, must always contain the NRK logo at the start of the programme.

It must always be placed on a moving image; at the start of an episode or as part of the opening credits.Additionally the NRK logo must be part of the closing credit. The logos shall under no circumstance be removed or modified.

  • External producers and clients/distributors are responsible for crediting NRK in all communication and marketing of content produced by and for NRK, and where NRK has invested in the project.
  • All trailers promoting NRK content must contain the NRK logo in the beginning or the end of the trailer.
  • Crediting blocks of text must contain: Produced by NRK or Produced by …. on behalf of NRK.
  • All marketing material (advertisements, brochures etc) promoting content produced by or on behalf of NRK, must be branded with the NRK logo. As a general rule the logo is 100% solid white. A black logo may be used where the brightness of the background demands it.
Bilde av merking ved eksternt marked

5: Communication and marketing of NRK content

All marketing material shall be approved in writing by NRK.

All marketing promoting NRK content must be branded with the NRK logo. It must be distinct and readable in brochures and advertisements, on boards, rollups, posters etc.

Promotional material for NRK series in the Nordic market

The sentence En NRK-serie is positioned along with the main title and may be adapted to the typography and style of the production in general. Any other crediting may not be directly positioned along with the main title. Crediting of originators may be positioned elsewhere on the product.
All marketing must additionally have a distinct and readable NRK logo.

Key art

All key art representing NRK content on third party platforms must be branded with the NRK logo. The logo must appear in either black or white and must emerge as distinct and readable. Distributors are responsible that key art is branded correctly by the licensee.

Mockup of menu

Merch, DVD, books etc.

All merchendise produced for an NRK production must have a distinct and readable NRK logo. As a general rule the logo is 100% solid white. A black version may be used where the brightness of the background demands it.

As a general rule the logo is placed in the bottom left corner. If it is necessary for design purposes to place the logo elsewhere, the logo can be positioned center up or center bottom, or in the upper right corner.